Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fashion Forward: The Overnite Socialite by Bridie Clark

Hi there!
Welcome to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
Today's post is geared more for the female reader (not to worry boys, it's not risque...just fashionista oriented) filled with smarts, sass, determination and a while lotta fashion.  A mix of the imagination with the real desires and dreams of many a budding fashion designer and finally topped off with a generous spread of name dropping recogizable by even those with a passing fancy for labels...our featured title will not disappoint.  May I present to you, straight off the designer label cutting table and on display for you now (hehe), today's book of choice is....

The Overnight Socialite

Take one part DEVIL WEARS PRADA mixed with SHE'S ALL THAT and TADA, the background for this storyline is born!  The Overnight Socialite takes the girl next door dreaming of reaching her designer dreams and dresses it up in Gucci for show. You'll love Lucy Jo, or even her alter ego Lucia Haverford Ellis, for her strength in the face of adversity and her ability to do what's right in the end despite their being an easier road to travel (far easier, believe me). Meet Wyatt, the trust fund baby born into a life of privilage yet to a certain degree wanting to make a name for himself.  Fall in love with his ideals, then disown him for his antics and refusal to admit to what's staring him in the face...and start to fall all over again as he struggles to see the real beauty behind the "project" he has created. The friends, the parties, the fashion....get caught up in a world so close to home, yet many mansions away for most.

I really enjoyed this book, but there was a small down side for me.  (Let's get this part over with.)  The beginning seemed to really drag on.  It's not that the story doesn't come out swinging, it does.  You can feel the paparazzi snapping pictures left and right on each page.  The problem for me initially was too much name dropping.  It almost felt like an episode of Ugly Betty completely narrated and starring only Wilimena (if you don't understand that reference, seriously...just google'll find an example in a heartbeat).  I mean I love fashion as much as the next girl, it's almost ingrained in our DNA.  Girl (normally) equals love of shopping....I just don't care to the extreme of every designer, in every season's collection, etc, etc.  For me, fashion is fun and I tend to wear what I like.  If it happens to be the "it" thing right now, FABULOUS.  If not, I'm not about to cry about it.  Thankfully, the story pulls out of this slump once Wyatt begins to focus on his new found project.  Moving forward...

I loved Lucy Jo's character (I think I mentioned that already, but it's worth restating) as well as her high end friend Eloise.  They are both strong women in their own right and know what they want, from whom they want it, yet aren't necessarily willing to make heads roll to achieve their desired outcome; they choose to use a little more finesse to get the job done.  On the other hand, we have Cornelia, whom you just can't help but love to hate (believe me, she's asking for it) and her friend Fernanda that surprising ends up showing a bit of a backbone after her bestie goes one step too far.

Last but not least, I want to share a one liner quote that just fit perfectly in my personal opinion and is so true in today's society (in more than just the fashion arena too).

"Laugh now," he said.  "You underestimate just how much works is involved in being social."

Now for those of you with blogs, Twitter, Facebook, ecetera, ecetera...think about it.  While it is still all fun and games, consider how much time we actually put into being social.  Publishing a post (don't forget the prep work).  Spreading the link around a bit on the social networking sites.  Chatting with close friends and newly made friends in any or all of these worlds.  I mean I know from my own site, one review aside from reading time and prep work, also creates the need to post the link, submit mini-reviews at various bookish sites (like GoodReads and LibraryThing), update the Shelfari page, add the link to my booklist of reviews....and then some.  It's not that it's not enjoyable because let's face it, if it wasn't I wouldn't be doing's just that for those that think it's simply a matter of saying POOF it's done....they really need to consider the behind the scenes work involved.

Enjoyed the story overall! Though I would have loved to see a bit more to the ending ....won't spoil it but it left me hanging a little bit....I shall close this review with a high recommendation for you fashionistas and those with slightly less lofty fashion sense....see if you can get drawn into the world of high fashion and still keep your head!  Review copy received courtesy of Anna at FSB Associates. (THANK YOU) Check out their site for more information or as always follow along on Twitter!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. For the past three months or so, this book has been in my amazon recommendations! It sounds pretty cool. I think I love lovingly hating characters.

    And you're completely right. There's a lot of things going on behind the scenes!

  2. A great post but neither of the books appeal to me which is probably just as welll as my wish list is getting way out of control.

    POOF! thats another blog visited. Another wave of my wand and some more fairy dust and I'll be done blogging and Face Booking for today - If only.

  3. Melanie: LOL...I know, it's fun when the character is written that guilt in not love loving them. ^_^

    Petty Witter: Cie la each their own. (..but I am glad that you stopped by anyway to take a chance on it!) Good luck with the magic wand of finishing your blog/Facebook rounds. If it works, share it with me! ^_^

    Juju: Thanks!

    Carrie: It was...definitely.

  4. I love fashion,sounds good to me. Thanks!

  5. The cover looks great. I love that style.

  6. Funny you mention the social networking that goes into promoting a blog...the week I was sick and not out "tweeting" hardly anyone stopped by my site. It really does take a lot of work!

    Great review though...loved the part about Wilimena! I'd still like to read it if for no other reason than to review for the chick lit site I'm reviewing for now. I think it would be pretty well accepted there.

    Thanks for the review!

  7. I quite enjoyed this book too when I read it a few weeks back. So entertaining!! :)

  8. Tribute Books: Me too!

    Pam: Yes, very Audrey Hepburn....

    The1stdaughter: Exactly! To be seen, you have to show! It's fun, but crazy busy too! Can't wait to see if you review it for the chick lit site! If you do, be sure to send me a link!

    Aths: Glad to see you enjoyed it! ^_^
