Monday, April 12, 2010

GRAPHIC NOVEL: Prilla's Talent from Disney Publishing!

Hello, everyone!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  I trust that your weekends went well or if not at the very least are easy to either case I wish you a wonderful week ahead full of good times, great friends, and a little work (hey, no week can be PERFECT....there would never be anything to keep striving for!).  Why the jolly good mood?  Well, it might have something to do with the feature of today's might indeed, for it is very hard to have a down-trodden demeanor when one is talking about fairies, pixie dust, and Disney!  **cue the rainbows, start sprinkling the glitter**  Today's book of choice is....

Prilla’s Talent
Stefan Petrucha, Giada Perissinotto, and Caterina Giorgetti

What's this?  A graphic novel on Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers?  Say it isn't so! is and it might just sound familiar too.  Does it ring a bell?  Ah, but it should! I did a post a few weeks back as a teaser about this title and included a rather lengthy preview (thanks to the kind folks at Papercutz and AME)....if you don't recall or would like to reread that fun tale, here's the link.  Since that time I have had the fortune of reading the completed work with all four enchanting tales and let me tell you, this one is worth of look.

Combining the beautiful artwork from the creators of our childhood favorites with magical stories sure to delight readers of any age, this is one graphic novel to take a chance on indeed (and that's coming from someone that generally makes a point of saying "just say no" to graphic novels).  What can I say, generally, they strike me as higher priced comic books that are over in a flash (manga & graphic novel lovers out there....put the tar and feathers down....this post goes to show how a little twist on the old fav can usher in even the skeptical non-fans of a genre)...this one was different.  You get to join Tinkerbell, Prilla and all their friends as they test the bonds of friendship, help each other discover their inner fairy, go head to head in a little fairy competition and even discover the first blush of love...all in Disney-esque fun. There's nothing risque within theses pages, just simply the thrill of discovery in all its wonder and glory.  My favorite of them all?  Hmmm....if hard pressed to decide, I think I like The Sound of Friendship best.  It's a side of Tinkerbell you don't normally get to see and the celebration being prepared for has wonderful intentions.  So clap your hands and join the other "believers" as you take pause to welcome this new addition to the timeless family.

Recommended reading for Disney lovers of all ages!  Special thanks to Paula at AME for the review copy! (THANKS!)  This collection will hit the shelves tomorrow so be on the lookout!

So, speaking of comic books, graphic novels, manga...or whatever you call the variation you may read....I'm curious to know, do YOU read them?  If so, which one is your favorite?

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Sounds and looks wonderful. Great to see Tinkerbell is alive and well.

  2. This looks a brilliant manga!

    I adore manga. It's another way to brush up on language skills. Manga can often accompany an anime series. Different story arcs are used, but the characters are (mostly) the same. I like exploring more about the world they live in.

    Manga...manga...manga! It rules. And, not all contain risque content.

    *places bow and flaming arrows down*

    At the moment I'm mostly sticking to manga of the animes I like watching. Read or Die, Aria (so cute! Very non-risque), Yotsuba (no anime, and there probably won't be). *hugs manga*

    There really are manga to suit everyone's taste. I promise. Disney manga included.

  3. Petty Witter: Yes, everyone needs a little pixie dust magic now and then... ^_^

    Nayuleska: It's great to see your enthusiasm about the genre...I would have never guessed you like manga (just kidding!)... ^_^ I can honestly say I enjoyed this little venture into an unknown world, but it definitely helped that Disney was guiding the way.

  4. love the cover and Tinkerbell. Thanks!

  5. aww, sounds like a cute one. you know the graphics for the disney pixie hollow game online is just as good. my daughter loves to play that one.

  6. This looks delightful! I have two little nieces who are Tinker Bell fans and I may just have to pick this one up for them. Especially since one is having a rough time reading, this may be just what she needs to get her more interested! Thanks so much for sharing!

    As for graphic novels...not so much, but if there was one it would have to be anything by Shaun Tan (especially The Arrival). His artwork is just stunning!

  7. I am really excited about this. I have yet to read a graphic novel but I really would like to try one.

  8. Tribute Books: *SMILE*

    vvb32 reads: That's what I've heard! Leave it to Disney....(old pros)

    The1stdaughter: Ooh...yes, this just might be the ticket for her because there is still plenty to read in this one. Haven't actually heard THE ARRIVAL, but I may have to check it out some time. *jots note* ^_^

    Sheila (Bookjourney): Definitely recommend this one....not too far out in the world of fantasy comics, but filled with fun for certain!
