Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to (Un)Cage a Girl by Francesca Lia Block

Hi everyone!
Well, April is almost said and done, but we've got a lot going on and more still to come here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  From blog tours and author interviews, to reviews, contests (some of which are going on right now, check the right sidebar for those opportunites still open for entries) and the upcoming event not to be missed called Blogmania 2010 (04/30/10)...there's something for everyone, so stick around and join the fun!

Beyond April being a busy month blog wise, it's also a month that celebrates a particular genre of prose and wordly beauty.  April is in fact National Poetry Month!  That's right and although the month is almost through, I figured what better time to post a review of a YA poetry collection!  (Yeah, I know....I'm original like that....) So, put on your thinking caps or at the very least your most scholarly face and pose and let's take a look at a rather unique collection of feelings recorded with pen and paper.  Today's book of choice is....


Did you just do a double take after reading the author?  I know I did when I first looked at the book.  I've heard many things about this particular author, but my own experience is limited to her one book entitled Pretty Dead (my review...just in case you're curious about the title).  It being a work of fiction, I didn't necessarily consider looking for this author to have a poetry collection, but it just goes to show you how versatile an author can be.  A constant camelion, they can change their style to meet the needs of themselves as well as those of their readers in the blink of an it helps to broaden their appeal to a larger audience, a bonus for anyone in the publicity arena....but I digress, I'm getting off subject here....

Upon embarking on this poetic adventure, I wasn't sure what to expect.  The title was rather interesting and the choice of cover art made one wonder about it's origins (a fact that is explored in the included EXTRAS section at the back of the book....turns out her name is Moira and she was one of her original fans when the author began posting her poetry on MySpace...).  Without any preconceived notions about the books contents, I dove in head first.  The result?  Well, the waters were a bit murky and I can't say that it will become one of my favorites of all time, but I did appreciate many aspects of it overall.

First off, the set up or divisions between the poems.  They're separated into 3 sections based upon both the age of the poet and the life changes being experienced.  It allows readers to slowly grow with the poems or seek one out befitting their current mood or experience.  Second, out of the myriad of prose presented, I did have three that I favorited a bit more than the others (honestly, they were really the main ones that I connected with...the others, well....they just weren't so much for me).  "Media Queenz" tells of the way we idolize (or are told to) famous women and how one day we will reach a level of understanding that allows their beauty to be appreciated but no longer envied (acceptance of self is the message here, in my opinion).  "Vampire in the City of Lost" takes a look at two young girls desire to become one of these mythical fanged wonders and how the denial of their request made them appreciate the futures lying in wait for them (interesting to see one of these "immortals" talk a "victim" out of becoming one of them....the reasons given are quite unexpected as well.....great message of enacting change here).  Last but not least, we have "Happi Happi Joy Joy and Sad in Hawaii" which imparts a message of learning to accept the good with the bad and never forgetting to eat more birthday cake (you have to read it to understand the reference, but it works).

Personally I'd recommended this one for older teens and adults only.  The language is quite graphic at times and being that it's presented as a personal collection of poetry following a young girls life as she grows into her own person, the focus tends to reflect the private thoughts of the individual....not necessarily something that you'd want to share say with a 13 or 14 year old (or at least not without A LOT of explaining).  As I stated earlier, it's not necessarily my perfect cup of tea, but it may just be right for you.  If you're looking for a dose of poetic waxing in your YA reading, take a look within the pages of this collection. 

Review copy received courtesy of Laura at HarperCollins Publishers. (THANK YOU) For more information on this book and many other fabulous reads, check out their website or follow along on Twitter!  (See, if you don't have a Twitter are truly missing out!)

Happy National Poetry month!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Love this review!

    I definitely did a double take when I saw the author, too.

  2. Great review! Just the perfect balance. I'm not a huge poetry fan, but the premise of the book sounded somewhat intriguing. Although, with the other books in my TBR I may have to skip this one.

    Fabulous as usual!

  3. I think I would give this a try. It seems so different. loved the review

  4. Juju: Thanks! ^_^

    NotNessie: Yeah..I wasn't expecting that either.

    Tribute Books: *SMILE*

    The1stdaughter: Thanks! Yeah..>I understand the wobbling TBR pile (LOL). It definitely has something for girls as they are growing up...just a bit different in the way it's presented.

    Cleverly Inked: If you do, would love to see what you thought of it! ^_^
