Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Roving Reader

Deja vu anyone?
My take on it....looks almost like the same cover art designer did these two....

Bloody Good                           All Together Dead
by                                                by    
Georgia Evans                              Charlaine Harris

Check them out!


  1. Thats stinks...I hope it doesn't hurt the book sales

  2. They don't look awfully similiar, don't they? I sort of like the cover for Bloody Good a little better, but that might be because I like purple. Good eye!

  3. In all likelihood I would probably not see these two together, so wouldn't worry about the similarities. It is interesting though!

  4. There's actually another of Harris' novels where Sookie is dancing with Bill on the cover that looks a lot like the Bloody Good cover as well! I'm sure it's no big deal, but now I'm interested to read Bloody Good, just because. :o)

  5. CleverlyInked: Doubtful. ^_^

    Alexia561: Yep! Between the two I think I agree...

    Nayuleska:'s just something that made me stop and think "have I seen this one?"

    Juju: Thanks! *SMILE*

    The1stdaughter:'re right, there is! I don't think it will hurt sales or anything for either title, just makes you wonder when you see the cover. ^_^

  6. They do look a bit similar, don't they. I'm not a big fan of either cover, though.
