Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Roving Reader

Okay so if you're not a bird person, the cover may not appeal to you, but come on...that title definitely draws your attention, or least it did mine.  Check out the small print at the top.

Winging It
Jenny Gardiner

Check it out!


  1. I saw a review of this one over at The Book Lady's blog and I have been wanting to read it at some point.

  2. One of my dad's friends has an African Grey, and he's great! One of the most intelligent birds ever.

  3. this looks gorgeous - as a previous owner of a parrot i can relate to the small print....

  4. What's the book about? The cover is hilarious!

  5. I've heard great things about this book!

  6. Well, it seems you guys enjoyed this one as much as I! I agree, it does look like a fun read....and not to long ago found out the author is on Twitter too...just another person to add to your following list. ^_^
