Monday, April 5, 2010

WINNER: Taste of Home Contest!

Hi everyone!
Today is the day and cold or no cold....the show must go on!  The Taste of Home Contest has ended and between the participants and extra entries there were approximately 55 entries, not bad for a regionalized book such as this...the WINNER of their very own copy of Scranton:  The Electric City is ....

#21  --  The1stdaughter
Congratulations!  You now have 72 hours to respond to the email I sent you to claim your prize.  If a response is received in the allotted time worries!  I have two back up numbers drawn...
Special thanks to Nicole for allowing me to host this contest!  Thank you to all those that entered (and those that merely thought about lurkers you...)!   There's lots more fun to come...stay tuned...
Until next time....happy reading!