Monday, May 17, 2010

In My Shopping Bag (29)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag from this past week....

For Review

Huck by Janet Elder (ARC)
(courtesy of Jennifer at Broadway Books/Randomhouse)
Special thanks to this publisher as well...they were running a Mother's Day promotion in conjunction with this ARC where you could request a copy be sent to your mom!  I took the chance on it and Mom received her very own copy the Saturday before Mother's Day with a greeting card featuring Huck and a lovely letter from the publisher explaining what they were receiving.  WONDERFUL PROMOTION...thank you so much!

One of Us by Peggy Moss
(courtesy of Sarah at Tilbury House Publishers)
Look for the book tour coming next week in celebration of this books upcoming debut at BEA plus a special interview with the Illustrator, Penny Weber!

No Hope for Gomez by Graham Parke
Look for the tour stopping through next week!



Burned by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
(via BLOGMANIA contest from Steph at Paper Cut Reviews)
Gotta love her blog name....and YAY for rounding out my House of Night collection!

"Reading is Sexy" messenger bag
Read, Remember, Recommend journals:  one for all readers, and one teen
(via BLOGMANIA contest from Rachelle at Bibliobabe)
Can't wait to use the bag and the reader journals are really neat!  If you haven't seen them before, they have sections like a day planner with recommended reading from various sources, pages to jot down your thoughts on books you've read, like to recommend, or purchase, and even a section that a few of your fellow bloggers show up in.  Really cool stuff....


That's all for this week.
How was your mailbox?

Until next time....happy reading?


  1. The cover for "Huck" is adorable.

  2. I'm jealous! That messenger bag is so awesome!

  3. Awesome mailbox! I LOVE that messenger bag...that is awesome!

  4. I hope you like No Hope for Gomez. To date, it's my fave read of May.

  5. You got some goodies! I'm sad now I didn't participate in BLOGMANIA.

    Have a great week and update us on how you like that reading journal as you start using it!

  6. So jealous! You got some great books and swag! Now we can both read Burned! It's next on my list! Fantastic week, as usual!

  7. Great books this week, and I love the messenger bag! Awesome!

  8. NotNessie: Agreed! Such a cute puppy!

    Book Lady: *nods*

    Kris: Thanks! Can't wait to start using it...

    Juju: *smile* Seem to agree with the masses today.

    Julie P.: Thanks!

    fredamans: Just finished it yesterday...enjoyable although not the ending I was expecting. (great mailbox too by the way)

    Pop Culture Nerd: It's suppose to be a bi-annual event and I'll even let you in on a little secret....there is a secret bookish work in progress that will be revealed very soon....just sayin'. ^_^ Something to get in on from the ground up.

    The1stdaughter: Ooh! I'll have to skim your review...sadly I have others in the series to read before I can delve into this one.

    Alexia561: Definitely agreed! Thanks for stopping by!
