Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 50th Anniversary!

Hi there, insatiable readers!
I know I normally avoid heavy posts on the weekends, preferring to keep it light and fun with our "Roving Reader", but there is a special celebration in the literary world taking place today that simply needed to be recognized.

That's right!
It's the 50th anniversary of the literary classic, To Kill A Mockingbird.
Whether you've read the classic, watched the movie, or simply know of the title, this is one book that has lasted the test of time and still stands strong against the modern books of our day.  In honor of this momentous occasion, various libraries, book clubs, and the like are taking part in festivities across the globe to celebrate this historic tale of courage in the face of adversity.  The great folks over at HarperCollins Publishers have put together a great site highlighting many of these events as well as providing various outlets for you to join the celebration with sweepstakes, video clips, and discussion materials.

So come join the fun and pay tribute to this timeless treasure that was a staple for generations past and will continue to be so for many generations to come....

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I enjoyed this book so much growing up. Thanks for the link

  2. I didn't read it when I was young, but was lucky enough to win a copy recently, and I reviewed it today on my blog in lieu of the anniversary. Please come by;

  3. Cleverly Inked: Yes it is a timeless treasure shared by many... ^_^

    fredamans: Sounds great! Will definitly check it out!

  4. B&N had a display for this last weekend and I finally picked it up. Started reading it last night. I'm only on page ~50, but I'm really enjoying the vibrant writing style and I'm looking forward to really getting into the story.

  5. Okie: That's wonderful and well stated! I hope you continue to enjoy the story...would love to know what you think upon books end.
