Monday, July 19, 2010

In My Shopping Bag (38)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag from this past week....

For Review
(courtesy of Simon & Schuster)
OMG!  SQUEEE...and all that jazz!  Yes, I am uber excited about this one (STILL) and simply can't wait to read it.  I've been sampling it slowly...mustn't go too quickly or else it will be over...THE HORROR!



The Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flamel:  The Necromancer by Michael Scott
WITH signed bookplate!
PLUS a cool water bottle with the book title/logo
(via contest at Cleverly Inked) it not? ( is...hehe)



Diving In by Kate Cann
Pond Scum by Alan Silberberg



That's all for this week!
Rather light, but hey Crescendo TOTALLY makes up for that!
What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!



  1. OMG! You got The Necromancer! I want that too *Squee*

    Hope you enjoy those books you got for this week. Seriously, I'll certainly be screaming if I found Necromancer and Crescendo in my mailbox!

  2. I think I x-ed out the comment box but I had said: AWESOME stuff in your mailbox this week! I did the happy dance along with *squeee* when Crescendo showed up LOL!

  3. Shy: Yes! Sharing in the SQUEE-ness of this week's bookish goodies. ^_^ Here's hoping they are in your future mailings...

    Kris: LOL on the comment box Xing, I've done that. Yay for the joint happy dance! It's great when books can reach across the miles and bring joy to readers everyone....

    Juju: Thanks, Juju! I DEFINITELY plan on it... ^_^

  4. Okay, so I totally thought I already commented on this post...losing brain power obviously! :o)

    Of course, totally jealous of the Crescendo love! But Oh! I'd loved to read The Necromancer, looks so good!

    Great week, even if it was a little bit "lighter" than usual!

  5. Squee! So excited that you received Crescendo too! Can't wait to see what you think of it! Enjoy!

  6. the1stdaughter: LOL! Totally understand on the comment memory fail. Been there, done that. Yes, CRESCENDO rocks, but THE IMMORTAL SECRETS OF NICHOLAS FLAMEL series is really good too! If you haven't read them, definitely recommend.

    Alexia561: ^_^ Yes, reading it slowly..but surely.
