Tuesday, July 27, 2010

WINNERS: "Series"-ously Awesome Contest!

Hi there, everyone!
Welcome back!
Hmm...almost feels like I should be welcoming myself back since I'm spent so much time over at the event site recently but since that would sound rather awkward, I think I'll stick with passing those welcome feelings to you.  Anywho...I know what you've been anxiously awaiting and I'm not one to prolong that feeling for an overwhelming amount of time.

I mean really, don't you just wish that in a 'winner post' people would just TELL YOU ALREADY.  Instead, they go on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on
and on and on
and on...

It's time to announce the winners in my Got Books? Event.....

"Series"-ously Awesome Contest!

So in reading over the post, yeah, I seem to have forgotten something....to tell you exactly how many winners there will be!  DOH!  Sorry bout that...I'm blaming the excitement of the event.  Now that the contest is over and the winners have been drawn, I'll let you in on that great big secret...there WAS going to be 3 US winners of 2 books a piece from the stack in the photo, but I'm feeling generous today (hehe) and so I'm adding a fourth winner of the last lonely book in the pile...and 1 winner of the Generation Dead book of course....
See?  It all works out and wouldn't you know....every winner drawn won one or more of the books they were asking for?  YAY!
Here we go!

The winners are as follows....

#23 - Melanie L
The Year of Disappearances by Susan Hubbard
Powers by John B. Olson
#63 - Kika
The Brain Full of Holes by Martin Chatterton
The Ranger's Apprentice, Book 2: The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan (SIGNED)
#24 - aLmYbNeNr
Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow, Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy by William Irwin and Richard Brian Davis
#1 - Lydia Presley
Spaceheadz by Jon Scieszka
Who says that the first entry never wins...HA!
#129 - Bella
Generation Dead, Book 3: Passing Strange by Daniel Waters (INTL)

Congratulations!  You now have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you to claim your prize, unless of course you included your full mailing information when entering.  If a response is not received in the allotted time frame, I'll have to draw another winner, a task I certainly won't enjoy, but will carry out if required. (Yeah...please don't make me do it.....)

Special thanks to everyone that participated in the Got Books? Event....whether here on my site or on the main one.  I hope you had a blast and discovered some great new sites, books, authors, publishers....well, all things bookish.  Thanks to the illustrious skills of Bella over at A Girl Reads a Book we have a very special badge for those of you that participated in this inaugural event!


Isn't it bookishly marvelous?
Feel free to snag one for your site.

Until next time....happy reading! 


  1. Woohoo! Congratulations to all the winners! What a great contest! :)

  2. Congrats to everyone who won! I'm am SO excited about Generation Dead 3. I love this series!

  3. Yay!! Thank you! Congratulations to all of the other winners, too.

  4. Congrats to all the winners, and thank you for co-hosting such a wonderful event!

  5. *BIG SMILE* Love how everyone is quick to congratulate others whether they won themselves or not. You guys rock! Think I said that recently, but well...ya do.

    Julie P: ^_^ You are quite welcome! I hope you had as much run as we did!

  6. thank you so much! and congratulations to everyone else! :D Such an awesome event!

  7. Congratulations to all of the winners! And I love the new badge! Thanks Bella!

  8. Congrats to everyone! And boy doesn't Bella's little girl with the books look cute!!!
