Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chicagoland Detective Agency: The Drained Brains Caper by Trina Robbins

Hi there!
Welcome to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
Whether you've been following the site since the beginning or you are new to the crew, you and your bookish conversations are more than welcome here.  So pull up a chair, keep your wish list handy (you never know when you might need to add something to it), and let's take a look at a new title.  Today's book of choice is...

Chicagoland Detective Agency:
Illustrated by

Megan Yamamaura wants to buy a tarantula, but not for the reasons you may think. (Okay, so I can't fathom a reason, but the one given is really good.)  It's actually to have a soft fuzzy critter to have and hold (*shudders*) that won't make her Dad break out in hives (allergic to pet hair...not a pretty picture). In search of her new "fuzzy friend", she visits the local pet store.  Unbeknownst to her, they don't sell actual pets, just pet supplies, a fact which RAF Herandez, the young man who happens to be working behind the counter when she visits, ever so rudely informs her of.  (Guy seriously needs an attitude adjustment.)  Leaving empty handed and in tears (bad RAF, bad!), the next morning brings more bad news. This summer, Megan will be attending school (the horror!).

That's right! The private and stuffy sounding Stepford Prepatary Academy....problem is, things aren't always what they seem (when are they ever?). Upon entering the classroom for her big first day, Megan discovers a hint of what that something not quite right might be. Aside from the conformity that she hates and strides to remain free of encroaching upon her individuality (short version:  she likes to BE herself...not such a bad thing), all the students appear to be prone to accidents.  How so?  They're all wearing bandaids.  Strange....definitely, I mean considering the ENTIRE classroom is involved and presuming it's not a fashion statement.  What's worse is when the school cafeteria serves liver and onions and not one single kid blinks an eye or turns up their nose at it.... (*double shudder*)  Well, everyone that is except for Megan but we know she's a new arrival...apparently into the land of WEIRD!  What's going on with everyone and why on earth do they all seem to agree on everything?  She's about to find out first hand and the truth of the matter will definitely surprise you....

So, I came upon this little read thanks to the good folks over at NetGalley and their tweeting wonder. I hadn't actually been to the site in a while when I saw a few of their tweets at random (yep, I follow them...not in a creepy stalker way, but on Twitter...) and said to myself...self, you need to take a look at the site again! Hey, what can I say, egalley's are fine and all, but I much prefer my actual books. The weight, the feel, the smell....everything about them, but NetGalley had several great titles that caught my eye, this one included. (Thanks, NetGalley!)

Where to start, where to start. I've just recently been sampling the world of comic books/graphic novels, and while I'm not ready to sing their praises in general, I can definitely say that I have found a few gems that I am more than happy to share with you, my readers...this one included. Megan is a great leading lady. Her non-conformist nature would paint her as an outsider but she really just wants to be understood and accepted for who she is (anyone else second her thoughts there?). Who is she? Well for one, a haiku expert in training! For those of you that may not know, a haiku is a type of poem generally consisting of three lines with the following pattern:  five syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. Something like this...

Avid reader here,
Next adventure is unclear;
Reading is for life.

Okay, so Megan's are better, but that one was just off the top of my head so you can't fault me that much.  They add to the story and show how she is feeling at each given point. She even perfects the art of text haiku's (as in via cell phone with text abbreviations)!  Combine this skill with her resourcefulness and you're certainly in for some interesting times.  Next we have RAF, her new though reluctant best friend, in fact her only friend at the time, and his secret program project.  He's so focused on it you want to give him a quick slap back to reality, but it actually comes in handy later on...and is the source of a humorous pun that you definitely don't see coming.  Add in the evil and dog hating (how can you hate dogs?!) Dr Vorschak, a talking dog which was a result of the evil doctor's experiments (though that detail goes unnoticed) plus the mystery of the school and TADA...a mystery with fun on the side is born.  I have to say there was one character that only makes something akin to a cameo appearance at the end of the book but in that one frame has major impact and imparts a wonderful message.  Raf's mother, who is against animal testing, is speaking to Raf about a certain newly acquired pet.....

"Nobody has the right to OWN another living creature.  So you're not his owner, you're his GUARDIAN." 

Who'd have thought I'd be quoting from a comic book?  Hey...never say never and this one was certainly worth the quote. 

This book celebrates its birthday TOMORROW (09/01/10) so be on the lookout for it in a bookstore near you (or click here for more information on pre-order options).  For those of you planning on reading this little adventure, it is book one of a new series!  The next book is mentioned at book's end though to wet your appetite....Chicagoland Detective Agency:  The Maltese Mummy.  Any guess as to whether or not I'll be watching for it?  (Yep, definitely.)
Egalley for review was made available via NetGalley and the publisher, Graphic Universe, an imprint of Lerner Publishing Group.  (THANKS!) Are you a book blogger interested in egalley reading opportunites?  Be sure to visit NetGalley on the web or follow along on Twitter for all the latest listings.  For more information on the publisher and their full catalog of titles, check out their site.

Until next time...happy reading!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Taste Testing Tuesdays (43) ...on a Monday!

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.  Normally appearing on Tuesdays (hence the name), it is being shown today so as to make way for a review tomorrow...doubtful you guys will mind (hopefully I was right!)....
On the menu this week ... two books featuring dogs in one way or another and a third lighter read full of fun.  Ready for a taste?


I feel certain the young woman saw the puppy come aboard, but now Puzzle sleeps upside down in my arms, her round belly upward, feet akimbo, head limp and lolling backward toward the aisle.  Gravity has pulled down the puppy's ears and lips and bared her fangs.  Her eyes are open but unseeing, rolled up in her head with the whites exposed.  It's not a good look.  It's not even canine -- more Hell-Spawn Bunny of the Undead.  -- pg 40, Scent of the Missing by Susannah Charleson

Okay, so I couldn't help but share this one...it had me laughing out loud at the description there!  Anyone familiar with pets and their "interesting" sleeping habits can totally relate to this part....

As much as he liked Betty, he was too busy today to get lost in one of her mini-lectures about selling a poor widow more than she needed and certainly more than she could afford, the word certainly always firing through her rounded lips like a musket ball.  When she protruded her lips like that, they kind of reminded Burt of Donald Trump, something he would certainly keep to himself, even though he thought she wore the pouty look quite well. -- pg 49, Stray Affections by Charlene Baumbich

I know, I know....probably not the best choice of quotes, but every time I opened the book I got something spoiler-ish.  This will have to do and at the very least gives you a little chuckle.  ^_^

Evan Chambers was his big brother and always would be, and brothers stuck together and helped each other out, even if the situation seemed to be reversed.  So when it was time to get Evan out of his drunken stupor and find a tuxedo that would make him look decent when he went to represent the Omega Chis at the All-Greek Formal, the task fell to Calvin by massive consensus.  -- pg 47, Greek:  Double Date by Marsha Warner

Oh Evan, really...suck it up!  Take a page from Cappie's book of life.... LOL!


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.* 


Until next time....happy reading!


Hi there everyone!
It's time for yet another announcement today, but this is another fun one, I guarantee.  We have a few winners to announce as one contest closed this weekend and another one ended early so without further adieu, may I present the winners....

#8 - Carrie at In the Hammock Blog
You've won an ARC of The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike....provided I receive your mailing information in the next 48 hours....  ^_^
You've won a copy of The Chill of Night by James Hayman...and since you included your address in the entry, I've already submitted it for prize send out.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone that entered!  Didn't win?  No worries!  Check out the current contest going on right now as listed in the right hand sidebar and stay tuned for more fun to come, right here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

This just in...

Good morning readers!
Post 2 of 4 today on the site.
Why so busy?  Just cuz...
No seriously...we have a lot of bookish fun lined up this week and this information just couldn't wait.  As you may have heard (or may not....you can still pretend, I won't really know), October is all about me.  No, I'm not getting selfish or turning into a prima donna, but I am taking hold of my blog for the month and all posts will be season related.  That means all the books I read and share will have some tie to the spooky, creepy, supernatural, etc aspect of the season.  For those not in love with typical paranormal type books, no worries....some of the ones I've chosen are more of a stretch as a match than others, so I'll still have the eclectic mix you've come to love.

My reason for sharing this news in full now is not only for disclosure purposes or to prepare you for the immense fun to come (although it should....get excited!), it's also to pass along that information I reference earlier that couldn't wait another day.  Ready?


~ ~ THE NEWS ~ ~

Author Scott Nicholson and Amazon are giving away two Kindles as part of his fall book blog tour from September through November. He's stopping here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers on Oct. 21, and you can enter by commenting with contact information. A Kindle DX will be given away through the participating blogs, and a Kindle 3 will be given away through the tour newsletter. A Pandora's Box of free ebooks will be given away through Nicholson's "hauntedcomputer" Twitter account.

"The digital era coincides with Act II of my career," Nicholson said. "The Kindle has broadened many people's horizons and given readers more power than ever, and this is an opportunity to celebrate them and the book bloggers who spread the word. "

Nicholson is author 12 novels and three story collections, as well as four comics series and six screenplays. His paranormal thrillers "The Red Church," "Drummer Boy" and "Speed Dating with the Dead" have all hit #1 in the Kindle "Ghosts" category.

As a bonus, if Nicholson hits the Top 100 in the U.S. or U.K. Kindle Store during the tour between Sept. 1 and Nov. 30, he will give away an extra Kindle 3 through the blogs. Sign up for the newsletter at scottsinnercircle-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to get daily links to the participating blogs. Winners will be selected at the Watauga County (NC) Public Library in December. No purchase necessary, and the contest is international. Co-sponsored by Kindle Nation Daily and Dellaster Design. Details at www.hauntedcomputer.com.


Sounds great, right?
So be sure to check out all the fun on the tour starting September 1st!
The more stops you visit, the more fun you can have, and the more chances to win one of those great prizes!

Until next time....happy reading!


In My Shopping Bag (44)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag from this past week....


Divine Appointments by Charlene Ann Baumbich
(courtesy of the author herself)
Will be reading the first installment in the "Snowglobe Connections" series, Stray Affections, and this one for a special post this September as this book makes its debut September 21st!

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
(courtesy of Harper Teen)
SQUEEEEE! *ahem* Is there anyone that wouldn't have been excited to see this one show up?  I think not!  Seriously, was thrilled when I saw this on my doorstep.  I want to tear into it right away but at the same time, it would make a ROCKIN' addition to my October posts....will have to consider, but either way...YAY!

Original Sins by Peg Kingman
(courtesy of W. W. Norton)

Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie
(courtesy of Simon & Schuster)
Look familar?  Nope...it's not just a random case of deja vu....you DID in fact see this book on a recent 'shopping bag' post, BUT that was a ARC from the fabulous author.  THIS is a finished copy from the publisher!  (YAY!)  Oh how I love bookish surprises....

Kiss Me Deadly
(courtesy of Nicole at Running Press Book Publishers)
So I know I didn't list the author here and that's mainly because there are SEVERAL!  It's a collection of short stories and I must admit I read the first one the night it arrived....yay, loved it!  Can't wait to delve into the rest of it.  This will be one of the books featured during my "special" October posts.



The Radleys by Matt Haig
(via Twitter contest from Books-A-Million)
This was a fun surprise.....sounds sort of like a 'Leave it to Beaver' episode...but with vampires.  Should be interesting!


That's all for this week!
What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

NEWS: 'Smart Chicks Kick It Tour' begins September 13th!

Hi there!
It's me....the 'Insatiable Reader' coming at you over the weekend (if you can believe it) in more than one of the 'Roving Reader' posts!  Yes, they are fun, but this needed to have a slice of time to itself.  Perhaps you've heard and this will merely be a reminder, but if not, get ready to pack your bags and make your way to one of several chosen cities playing host to a FABULOUS author tour!

Beginning September 13th, it's time for....

What is this event?
Glad you asked....


From the official press release.....

Unprecedented in terms of size, scope and its organization, the highly anticipated Smart Chicks Kick It Tour www.smartchickskickit.com launches an extensive North American tour on September 13th, 2010. The ambitious twelve-city, two week tour features eighteen of today’s most buzzed writers of paranormal romance – from international bestsellers and award winners to the genre’s hottest newcomers.

The Smart Chicks Kick It Tour is author-organized AND author-funded, with the 18 participating authors -- or “Chicks” -- coming from a wide variety of different publishers. This ground-breaking approach will, for the first time ever, provide fans of the incredibly popular romance, fantasy and science fiction genres the opportunity to meet and talk to some of their favorite authors at one time, even though the authors publish with different houses. Featuring six to nine Chicks at every venue, the author line up in every city will be different so no two events will be exactly the same.

In 2009 Melissa Marr, creator of The New York Times bestselling Wicked Lovely series, came up with the idea for the tour and, along with fellow author Kelley Armstrong, got to work pulling together a line-up of authors with books that had a central theme. “Strong heroines, smart heroines, capable heroines...real girls with real strengths, not necessarily out there kicking butt, but able to handle themselves in tough situations. It’s a message that both Melissa and I care deeply about and that we thought would really resonate with our fans,” remarks Ms. Armstrong, The New York Times bestselling urban fantasy author of the Women of the Otherworld series and Darkest Powers trilogy.

Melissa goes on to say, “We’re doing something really, truly unique and it feels great. The support we have received from our fans, the booksellers and our publishers has been overwhelming. We haven’t even hit the road yet for the 2010 tour and plans are already underway for Smart Chicks 2.0.” Together with Alyson Noel (The Immortals series), Melissa and Kelley will be headlining the Smart Chicks Kick It Tour and appearing at all twelve events.


OMG!  To be in or near one of the cities this tour is traveling to would be amazing!  Perhaps you are?  Let's check out a listing of the dates and times....


Smart Chicks Kick It Tour
September 13th, 2010 - September 25th, 2010

September 13th, 2010, 7 PM
Appearing: Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel,
Holly Black, Rachel Caine, & Cassandra Clare

September 14th, 2010, 7 PM
Appearing: Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Holly Black,
Cassandra Clare, Kami Garcia & Rachel Vincent.

September 15th, 2010, 7 PM
The Refuge, hosted by BLUE WILLOW, Houston, TX
Appearing: Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Holly Black,
Sarah Rees Brennan, Margaret Stohl & Cassandra Clare


September 16th, 2010, 6 PM
Plantation Commons, hosted by LEMURIA BOOKS, Jackson, MS
Appearing: Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Holly Black,
Cassandra Clare, Jessica Verday & Sarah Rees Brennan


September 17th, 2010, 7 PM
Scottsdale Civic Library Auditorium, hosted by POISONED PEN Phoenix, AZ
Appearing: Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Holly Black,
Sarah Rees Brennan & Kimberly Derting.

September 18th, 2010, 6 PM
Menlo Park Library, hosted by KEPLERS, San Francisco, CA
Appearing: Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Melissa de la Cruz,
 & Kimberly Derting


September 20th, 2010, 6 PM
VROMAN'S, Pasadena, CA
Appearing: Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Caine,
Melissa de la Cruz, Rachel Vincent, Margie Stohl, Kami Garcia & Mary Pearson


September 21st, 2010, 7 PM
Encinitas County Library, hosted by MYSTERIOUS GALAXY, San Diego, CA
Appearing: Melissa Marr, Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Mary Pearson,
Rachel Caine, Rachel Vincent, Margie Stohl, Kami Garcia & Carrie Ryan


September 22nd, 2010, 7 PM
Ventz Concert Hall at North Central College, hosted by ANDERSON'S Chicago, IL
Appearing: Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Jackson Pearce,
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, & Carrie Ryan


September 23rd, 2010, 7 PM
Appearing: Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Jackson Pearce,
Jennifer Lynn Barnes, & Kami Garcia


September 24th, 2010, 7 PM
JOSEPH BETH Cincinnati, OH
Appearing: Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Jeri Smith-Ready,
Jennifer Lynn Barnes & Margie Stohl


September 25th, 2010, 2 PM
Appearing: Alyson Noel, Kelley Armstrong, Melissa Marr, Melissa de la Cruz,
Jeri Smith-Ready, Kami Garcia, Margie Stohl & Jennifer Barnes


See a name or two you recognize?
Perhaps a town or city near you?
If so....LUCKY!
If not....no worries!

One and all can still revel in the fun to be had with this event by following it's progress online via...
...the official blog...
...the official Facebook page...
...the official website...
Plus...there's even an option to purchase tour shirts and sweatshirts via their CafePress store.

Special thanks to Karen at Media Masters Publicity for all the great information!  Look for another post with a special Q&A with two of the fabulous authors participating in this event in the coming days.

Until next time....happy reading!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Roving Reader

Aww....isn't he cute!
That's only the beginning too!  The whole book is filled with cute pictures and wonderful sentiments....

If only you knew how much I smell you
True Portraits of Dogs
Valerie Shaff and Roy Blount Jr

Check it out!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **

The Roving Reader

This looks rather interesting....if not for the subject matter, for the spoookkkyyyy cover, right?  Never heard of it myself, but I might have to see about adding this one to the wish list....

The Castle in Transylvania
Jules Verne

Check it out!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **

Friday, August 27, 2010

Archvillain by Barry Lyga, Review + Contest

Hi everyone!

Happy Friday to you...or any day that you made it around to reading this post.  Thanks for stopping by Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...boy do we have some fun for you today.  A post chalk full of fun with a review of an upcoming title and some contest fun!  Since I finished reading this one (a week or two ago), I couldn't wait to share some about it with you....and yet I had to so that the release date could creep a little closer.  (Oh and if you're wondering, staring at a calendar is about the same as staring at a clock; it doesn't move when you're watching it!)  Today's featured book of choice is....


Once upon a time, not so long ago, there was a boy with extraordinary powers who longed to "do good", but had a rather hard go of accomplishing it.  We begin in the peaceful little town of Bouring (yes, please control you snickers until you've finished reading) where nothing remotely unusual occurs and everyone coexists in friendship and harmony.  ~insert cheery intro music with birds chirping here~  (*yells* I said insert the music! ... Ugh, it looks like the sound guys off....you'll have to make do with your imagination.  Think Disney style opening with music that swells and falls like the flow of the tide...)  Yes, dear readers, the stage is set and what a marvelous view it delivers. *SIGH*

Okay, not really.....or perhaps better put, not 100% accurate.  It is a peaceful town although the Middle School tends to ring out with uproarious laughter from the "grade A" hi jinks of a seasoned prankster....not to mention the police station playing a rather unusual broadcast on their frequency thanks to someones idea of a joke.  That's right; we have a master of disaster if you will who goes by the name of Kyle Camden.  Kyle's aim is not to merely humiliate his "victim" but to show them how foolish they truly are.  Life is too short to be so serious, have a laugh, have a smile, have anything but that "I'm too grown up for this" attitude and live a little...or face the "wrath" of Kyle.  As good natured as his fun might have been, it is this very pranking nature that's landed him in a wealth of trouble.
You see, one night while setting up a prank to end all pranks, Kyle witnessed something amazing, something out of this world, something that would change his life forever, something that was so hard to believe that everyone believed something else.  What was this event?  A plasma shower...and behold!  Out of the shower of shiny stinging goo emerged.....something!  Well, at first Kyle doesn't know what or who it was since he was knocked unconscious for several hours, but then in the blinding rays of recognition he remembers...of course it does help that the little alien being shows up at school in a blaze of glory after his attempt at saving a family from a house fire almost blows up in his face...literally. 

But wait, how am I privy to such information?  Well...because Kyle SAW him with his own two eyes after flying around the neighborhood with his new found abilities.  Oh, did I fail to mention that after a few days rest and recovery from "a cold" that seemed to hit him rather hard, he awoke with super speed, super strength, and superior brain power (that last one is probably the most dangerous too)?  Silly me.  Yes, it seems that Kyle is more than a superior prankster now, or could be if he could just get his attempts at doing good to go right....like Mighty Mike.  Ah yes, the perfect boy child, Mighty Mike.  For all his do-gooding nature though, Kyle knows this spot-light stealing Earthling wanna be is up to no good.  Kyle Camden knows what he saw during that faithful night when "the stars fell down" and he'll stop at nothing to expose Mighty Mike for the alien being he is, but first.....he really needs to work on his publicity!

There are so many puns in this; one can not keep count and still hold on to the true fun within this book.  To simply state it, I couldn't put this one down. It's the start of a new middle grade series from this renowned author and all can I say is....how long will I have to wait to find out what happens next?!  Laugh along with Kyle as you witness his high level pranking skills in action (pants-ing laser, anyone?).  Feel his spotlight growing dimmer as it shifts to Mighty Mike and the resulting spill of ill feelings (can't say it's never happened to you at some point) that grows in the shadows.  Marvel at his superior skills and what he does (and does not) use them for.  Oh and laugh yourself silly when some of his plans go awry (really...from his "super" name to the laser....too much fun).

Though geared towards the younger crowd, this is definitely one book that can be enjoyed by one and all.  It's scheduled release as of this post is October 2010, so keep an eye out for it or check for pre-order options at your favorite store.  Special thanks to author Barry Lyga for the ARC for review.  (THANKS!)  To find out more about this upcoming publication and the author's other varied works, visit his website.

So...if you've followed my site for any amount of time, you're probably wondering "what gives" right about now.  Why would I be reviewing a book this far ahead of the publication date when I typically don't post until closer to its release?  Good question!  There is a VERY GOOD reason for that.  You see, I received a SIGNED ARC of this book to read and review, along with a little swag, straight from the author himself.  It seems that Mr. Lyga is a rather big supporter of book bloggers and values their feedback and support (bookmarks up to you, sir!).  That being said, there was one condition to which I had to agree to follow to the letter if I wanted the chance to read this ARC.  Want to know what that was?  (Oh, I promise...you REALLY do....)  It's good....and it benefits you....  The condition was this.....after reading and reviewing the book MUST be passed on to another reader!  (Told ya it was good!)  So without further adieu, let's get to the contest information...

Archvillain Wannabes Contest!
(3 winners!)

The prizes:

1 winner will receive...
(1) SIGNED ARC of Archvillain by Barry Lyga


2 runners up will receive....
Swag packs consisting of three promo cards, one for each book shown above!

So that's 3 winners in all...


How to enter:

FIRST...riddle me this.....
If YOU decided to become an archvillain, what would YOUR name be?
Leave your answer in the comments below to share with everyone!
(Oh come on...have a little fun!)


SECOND...fill out this form.
(Just click the word "form" above.)


The rules:
*Open to US/Canada mailing addresses only.  No P. O. Boxes please.
* Entries will be accepted from Friday, August 27th, 2010 through Friday, September 10th, 2010 at midnight CST. The entries will be tallied and entered into the random.org randomizer, after which a random number will be picked by their number generator. (This way all the entries are mixed up nicely.)
* All entries must be submitted using the form accessible through this post. You MUST include your email address in order to be counted as well as contacted should you be chosen as the winner!
*The winner will be announced and contacted via email by Monday, September 13th, 2010 and will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address, unless of course it was provided in the entry form initially. Should they fail to respond in the given time frame, a new winner will be chosen.
*Winner's name and address will be used by yours truly for prize send out only and then discarded.

So, what are you waiting for?
Go, go, GO!
(No really, go, enter....you don't want to miss out!)

Until next time....happy reading!