Monday, August 30, 2010

This just in...

Good morning readers!
Post 2 of 4 today on the site.
Why so busy?  Just cuz...
No seriously...we have a lot of bookish fun lined up this week and this information just couldn't wait.  As you may have heard (or may can still pretend, I won't really know), October is all about me.  No, I'm not getting selfish or turning into a prima donna, but I am taking hold of my blog for the month and all posts will be season related.  That means all the books I read and share will have some tie to the spooky, creepy, supernatural, etc aspect of the season.  For those not in love with typical paranormal type books, no worries....some of the ones I've chosen are more of a stretch as a match than others, so I'll still have the eclectic mix you've come to love.

My reason for sharing this news in full now is not only for disclosure purposes or to prepare you for the immense fun to come (although it should....get excited!), it's also to pass along that information I reference earlier that couldn't wait another day.  Ready?


~ ~ THE NEWS ~ ~

Author Scott Nicholson and Amazon are giving away two Kindles as part of his fall book blog tour from September through November. He's stopping here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers on Oct. 21, and you can enter by commenting with contact information. A Kindle DX will be given away through the participating blogs, and a Kindle 3 will be given away through the tour newsletter. A Pandora's Box of free ebooks will be given away through Nicholson's "hauntedcomputer" Twitter account.

"The digital era coincides with Act II of my career," Nicholson said. "The Kindle has broadened many people's horizons and given readers more power than ever, and this is an opportunity to celebrate them and the book bloggers who spread the word. "

Nicholson is author 12 novels and three story collections, as well as four comics series and six screenplays. His paranormal thrillers "The Red Church," "Drummer Boy" and "Speed Dating with the Dead" have all hit #1 in the Kindle "Ghosts" category.

As a bonus, if Nicholson hits the Top 100 in the U.S. or U.K. Kindle Store during the tour between Sept. 1 and Nov. 30, he will give away an extra Kindle 3 through the blogs. Sign up for the newsletter at to get daily links to the participating blogs. Winners will be selected at the Watauga County (NC) Public Library in December. No purchase necessary, and the contest is international. Co-sponsored by Kindle Nation Daily and Dellaster Design. Details at


Sounds great, right?
So be sure to check out all the fun on the tour starting September 1st!
The more stops you visit, the more fun you can have, and the more chances to win one of those great prizes!

Until next time....happy reading!



  1. Oh, I'd love to win a Kindle! And I'm excited for October - sounds like it'll be a lot of fun on your blog!

  2. Emidy: *nods* Yep...just follow along the tour and earn more chances to win! Definitely excited about October...the aim is fun fun fun (as always, but on the seasonal side). ^_^

  3. I have one, but this is awesome news. Best of luck darling!
