Monday, September 13, 2010

BBAW: WELCOME...and This Is How I Roll

Welcome to Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2010....which shall now be abbreviated to BBAW 2010 for less stress on my typing at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!

Each year, we book bloggers set aside one week, as designated by the official BBAW site, to celebrate our fellow man...err...bloggers.  It's a time to revel in the community that is blogging and none do it better (in my opinion) than those that focus on books.  Why?  Well for many reasons of which I could go on and on and on and on about for days, but the one that tops the lengthy list is the friendliness and willingness to help each other.  I mean think about it....there are not that many places you can start out as a total stranger and develop so many friendships across the miles (and miles and miles and miles....hey, some of those friendships are with people that are thousands and thousands of miles away!)....and those friendships build more and more each day! 

From the casual visitor to the everyday friendly face, the lurkers to the commenter's, the bloggy mentor you go to with questions and the coding gurus you seek in times of site crisis.....these connections and friendships are made in an instant and grown over time.  Each one special in its own right. ~tear~  So since this week is all about celebration, let's get away from the truly mushy stuff and have some fun, shall we?  The official BBAW site will have throughout the week specific suggestions as to what we bloggers should post this week.  Though I'm not one to buck the trend usually, this year....just call me a rebel. 

The week's festivities are planned and though they may not follow the rule book, they certainly will have a few things in common.  First, celebrating book bloggers and how we roll (more on that in a second).  Second, celebrating our common love of books with a variety of bookish posts throughout the week.  Thirdly, mention and links to the official BBAW festivities so as to further promote the event and all the activities planned.  Fourthly, a little contest of which is already rolling and a second to join in later this week (stay tuned).  Last but not least, (and fifthly for those keeping track) we shall end the week with a fun little MEME type post you don't want to miss and I'm sure you'll want to participate in (believe me, what's revealed is amazing and funny all at once).  Ready to get things stated?  Here we go!

Today's post is all about ME...that is the way I blog (hehe).  I call it...


~~ This Is How I Roll... ~~
aka A Guide to My Blogging Style

Glitter Photos

Have you seen the number of blogs out there and the number that arrive on a new basis? Okay, well I don't have the exact number, but it is quite large I'm certain. You may have noticed, each book blog site you visit does things a little differently.  QUICK call the blogger police!  Just kidding.  It's okay!  It's better that way!  Why?  It allows for your individual style to come through.  From site design (or *ahem* template choosing) to review posts, sidebars to signatures, we all put our own flavor into what we do.  If variety is the spice of life, than book bloggers have a whole pantry full of choices.  Each blogger adopts their own favorite techniques and brings something new to the plate, thus the blogging community is ever evolving.  Here's a look at how I roll in the blogging community....
  • I chose my site name on a whim....seriously!  I was thinking out loud and putting voice to the ramblings in my mind.  When I stumbled across what I figured to be a bookish gem, I pounced and the site-that-was-yet-to-be-named was granted it's moniker.  Same goes with the tag line up there....just me toying with the site's name and trying to think of something clever to go with it.  Was I successful?  I'll let you be the judge of that....
  • I post every day.  Barring any extraordinary circumstances, you will find something new here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  Whether it be a weekly MEME, a book review, or bookish news, I try my best to make sure it never gets old.
  • I receive books to review.  The big hubbub earlier this year was to disclose whether we received a book for review or not...almost insinuating that we'd give it a good review because we received it for free in exchange for the review.  NOT SO!  Most book bloggers have created review policies thanks to this former issue (including moi....see it here), but I can honestly say just because I receive a book for review does not in any way guarantee a glowing review.  Which leads me into this next point...
  • I post positive AND negative reviews.  I keep my site honest so that you, the readers, can trust that you are getting my actual experience with the book.  Unfortunately, no matter how much we think we are going to enjoy a book, it doesn't always work out that way.  My motto is "Respect the effort if not the result."  What does that mean to you or potential authors and publishers?  It means that although I will not decimate a book in one of my reviews, I will point out what I did enjoy and what I did not.  You'd be surprised...most readers (as well as authors and publishers, etc) appreciate both types of reviews as long as they are honest.  Sometimes the points raised are valid for the next potential reader and sometimes they are what spur them on to read the book.  After all, just because it wasn't my favorite to end all favorites, doesn't mean it won't be yours.
  • I do not rate books.  What is really the difference between a four star rating and a five? What is that defining point that makes the book drop down a full star or rise two?  For me...sometimes not that much.  While I respect those sites that do employ a rating system, I myself choose not in order to get the scoop on my reading adventures, you'll have to read the review.
  • I love comments.  Okay so this is a given and probably the same for all book bloggers.  Does that mean if you don't comment you shouldn't come around?  NO!  Much love for lurkers and commenter's all the same....but comments are a definite way to bring a smile to a book bloggers face so if you a second or something to tell!  Oh and I usually comment back as well, both in my comments and on your site.
  • My menu bar has some must see links.  It's the link list on the upper left hand side of my page.  In case you've never used it or are simply curious where it will take you, feel free to click around!  Might I suggest on the MENU option first and it will explain the rest of the links listed.
  • My sidebars share the love with you!  Aw, yes...the sidebars.  I try not to make them too cluttered, but there are some things I generally keep.  The left hand bar always features contests from around the blogosphere (with links, of course), my two most recent awards, and a rotating list of blogs I follow.  The right hand bar will keep you up to date on some of the bigger happenings going on both this month and in coming months here at the site, any current contests open for entries, my wish list, and a few bookish sites I frequent around the net.  That's not to say there isn't more to see there, because there is....this is merely an invitation to explore it more on your own.
  • I am an open book...for the most part.  If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, you can find my email address in my review policy or feel free to leave a comment on a post!  Ask around...unless the email gets lost, I'll definitely respond (...same goes for authors, publishers, and publicists!).


So there you have it...a little bit of me.
Hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me.
As always, your thoughts, comments, and suggestions are welcome so feel free to sound off!
Be sure to check out the official BBAW site for all the current happenings and links to the other fabulous sites taking part.

Glitter Photos

Until next time...happy blogging....and happy reading!


  1. I don't rate books too! I find rating anything a really difficult thing to do.

  2. *sigh* I wish I could find the time to post everyday like you do. lol

  3. Fi-chan: Agreed! ^_^

    Melanie: Hehe...there's a little secret called a "scheduled" post...definitely a friend of mine. ^_^

  4. Great post! I love the name and subtitle of your blog!

  5. Love your post! These are so many of the reasons I started reading your blog to begin with. I love the length of your posts, your honesty, the feeling you put into what you say, your personality that shines through and so much more. Truly people should be reading your blog! They're missing out if they aren't! :o)
