Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Book Birthday: The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson - GUEST POST

Hi there!
Welcome back to another day another post here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
We have a very special post for you today as we celebrate the introduction, the "birthday" if you will, of a new work of children's fiction sure to entice reader's of all ages.  What's that?  You're not certain to which book I am referring?  No worries!  I'm sure once it is revealed, it will sound "familiar" to you. (hehe)  The author's of this newly released title were kind enough to grant us with a guest post and since it is rather interesting indeed, I will keep you in suspense no longer!

Please join me in wishing a a very HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY to The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson.  Take it away guys!


Guest Post:
"The Church of YA"
by Adam Jay Epstein & Andrew Jacobson
Authors of The Familiars

Little did we know that writing a YA/Middle Grade series of books would send us headfirst into the Blogo-twitta-facebook-frienda-sphere! That every one of our literary escapes would be chronicled on goodreads and Shelfari. That we'd be YAlitchatting and kidlitchatting and catlitchatting. It turns out readers of young fiction not only like to read young fiction but talk about it, write about it, and commiserate about it 24/7. And it couldn't make us happier! We've found kindred spirits to debate whether they are Team Peeta or Team Gale, like-minded book lovers who find every series of unfortunate events a good thing, and fellow word devourers who are already waiting in line outside their local movie theater for the first installment of Deathly Hollows. We're all a devout group indeed, praying at the altar of Riordin, Meyer, and Paolini. Our rituals are the same: read, write, tweet, blog, and back to reading once more. Our temple -- the independent bookstore -- the one wedged between the local hardware store and shoe shop. And how exciting that soon we'll be traveling the country on a book tour putting faces to these screen names. So if you see us at your school or library or book store come say hi, and be sure to introduce yourself by your twitter handle.
If you'd like to learn more about The Familiars, come to http://www.thefamiliars.com/ or swing by our blog at http://thefamiliars.blogspot.com/. We'd love to hear from you too! You can email us at thefamiliarsbook@gmail.com.


Even newly minted authors respect the power that is Twitter.
Just kidding, but seriously it is one of the many tools used nowadays to get the word out about anything and everything....including wonderful new books such as this!
So what are you waiting for?
You've read the hosted guest post (special thanks to the authors for that by the way) now off with you!  Go discover more about this book at its website, drop by the blog and see the current happenings, spread the word on Twitter or your favorite social networking site....or hey, random thought, check it out in a store near you (online or off), we are readers after all.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ....

    Thanks for an interesting and informative post.

  2. Petty Witter: ^_^ ...and thank YOU for stopping by!

  3. It's really incredible how important social media has become in books and television. We don't watch commercials hardly anymore or print newspapers and so how else do people get the word out? You HAVE to do the Twitter thing, it's just part of life anymore, but I love it! You know that. :o) It's so neat to have such close and great connections with so many authors and bloggers that I never had before. It makes the whole experience that much better.
