Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Haul-idays from Chronicle Books!

Happy Friday fellow readers!
It's time to say goodbye to another week and start putting into action your long awaited weekend plans...hopefully you've something good to look forward too (if not, this post will DEFINITELY help in that area...keep reading...).

As I was returning from a dentist appointment yesterday (just the routine teeth cleaning that we all LOVE so much...right?), I was listening to the radio.  Now that's a rather common occurrence as I generally have some form of music on while in the car and could probably me caught singing along to it was well at any given time, but hey, it's my car, I'll sing (off or on key) if I want to.  *ahem*  Anywho...I was going through my preset stations trying to find something of interest when I stumbled across something unusual, strange, mind boggling, and.....EARLY.  The discovery?  One of our local stations has apparently changed over to their annual non-stop, 24 hour, 7 days a week schedule of....CHRISTMAS MUSIC. read that correctly.
As alarming as this might seem since it's not even Thanksgiving yet, if you really think about's not all that far away.  The official countdown begins earlier and earlier each year and while I'm all for celebrating each holiday as it comes, you can't help getting into the spirit of the season once November hits so I say...BRING IT ON!  I'm ready and (fairly) willing to deck the halls, trim a tree (okay maybe not that quite yet, but in about two weeks, I'm all over that), and make a list to share and check twice.

No, I'm not Santa Claus and yes, he's usually the one making the list (and checking it twice, gonna find out who's naug...oh, sorry...), but today I get to make one and you're going to want to pay close attention to what's on there.  Why?  Well for the bookish suggestions of course, after all one person's interest can spark your own imagination...oh, and did I mention there's a chance to win involved?

Yes indeed!
Thanks to the great folks over at Chronicle Books, you have a unique opportunity to win your very own bookish haul.  You see, book bloggers (in this case, moi) have been given the opportunity to create a post highlighting the event (as in the one you're reading) as well as their wish list of Chronicle titles valued at a whopping $500 (I'll give you a moment to close any dropped worries, I had the same reaction.), all for a chance to win that same said list.  (SQUEEEEE!)

As if that news could possibly get any better (trust me, it can and is about to), for those that either do not have a blog or the chance to make a post, you still have a chance to win!  The main event website will have a listing of all the blogs participating...your job?  Visit the sites, check out the post, the wish list, and leave a comment.  If the blog you entered on happens to be chosen as the winner, YOU win a set of the books on the wish list too!  Would you like to see what's on MY WISH LIST?  I thought you might.


My Chronicle Books Haul-iday Wish List

- Large Ruled Moleskine Red Notebook  ($17.95)
Let's blame this on my need for note paper...and a certain YA book I read recently.

- Books Are My Bag Tote Bag  ($1.99)
Really...what reader wouldn't want this?

- Dracula's Heir: An Interactive Mystery Quirk Books By Sam Stall  ($24.95)
Call me crazy but I still love the interactive nature of books like this!  It's a dose of childhood mixed with a continuation of a classic work...sounds good.

- The Crimes of Dr. Watson:  An Interactive Sherlock Holmes Mystery Quirk Books By John H. Watson, M.D., Edited and with an Introduction by Duane Swiercyznski  ($24.95)
Once again, it's interactive and with Sherlock Holmes, how can you go wrong!

- The Whitby Witches by Robin Jarvis  ($17.95)
Book one in what sounds like a fun (and spooky) children's series...

- Olive, the Other Reindeer (Deluxe Edition) By J.otto Seibold and Vivian Walsh  ($19.99)
Had to choose at least one Christmas time title...and this one looks oh so cute.

- Emily The Strange  ($12.95)
I bought a tote bag a while back with this quirky character...definitely need to check out the book.

- So Cute You Could Die! puppies, kitties, bunnies galore! Quirk Books By Jennie Summers  ($9.95)
Well if the name didn't say it all, the priceless pup picture on the front sure did.  All together now....awwwww!

- Never Bite When a Growl Will Do by Michael Nastasi  ($14.95)
Cute pups and fun quotes...yep, sounds like fun!

- Michael Chiarello's Bottega by Michael Chiarello  ($40.00)
This one has "gift" written all over it for a certain person I know...which shall remain nameless right now, just in case I happen to win a copy ('s a secret)...

- Tote Bag 2010  ($2.99)
Okay, can you really ever have too many bookish bags?  I think not.  ^_^

- Cath Kidston Recipe Organizer by Cath Kidston  ($19.95)
Hmm...this one would pair rather nicely with that aforementioned cookbook... *devises wrapping options*

- Ticket Stub Diary By Eric Epstein  ($14.95)
I didn't even know they made these!  Perfect for my packrat-ish ways with keeping tickets from events I've been to...

- Olive, the Other Reindeer doll  ($7.95)
This would be a perfect match with the book listed earlier...and he's so cute!

- Extreme Encounters How It Feels to Be Drowned in Quicksand, Shredded by Piranhas, Swept Up in a Tornado, and Dozens of Other Unpleasant Experiences--Quirk Books By Greg Emmanuel  ($15.95)
An odd choice you say?  Maybe...but I know a few that would find this one rather interesting...

- Disney 2012 Daily Calendar: A Year of Animation  ($14.99)
Beauty, fun, AND function I totally need one for my desk!

- The Small Object Sticky Notes By Sarah Neuburger  ($9.95)
Speaking of fun and function...these have to be some of the most fun sticky notes I've seen!  Perfect for jotting down notes while reading....

- How to Survive a Horror Movie All the Skills to Dodge the Kills Quirk Books By Seth Grahame-Smith  ($14.95)
Perhaps the wrong season is invoked with this one, but come sounds like fun, right? 

- The Ivy and Bean Secret Treasure Box: Includes Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, and a Cool Secret Surprise! By Annie Barrows, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall  ($19.95)
Now this nifty little set has books 1 - 3 of the popular series...sounds like a great gift plus a way to check out what all the buzz is about!

- Ivy and Bean Boxed Set 2 Books 4, 5, and 6 Boxed set By Annie Barrows, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall  ($19.99)
Ooh, look!  The story continues....

- Stereobook: Dinosaurs By Dennis Schatz  ($24.99)
What can I say?  I'm a kid at heart and when I was younger, I had a thing for dinosaurs after going to the Museum of Natural History.  Still have the dino tote bag we bought too... hehe....

- Holiday Collection  ($37.99)
Containing such whimsical titles as The Dinosaurs Night Before Christmas, A Nutty Nutcracker, and Christmas with Rita and Whatsit how can I resist!

- Sleeping Beauty Illustrated by K.Y. Craft  ($15.99)
The classic story with beautiful artistic renderings...right up my alley.

- Thirteen O'Clock by James Stimson  ($15.95)
The cover alone intrigues....

- Broadway Barks (Blue Apple Books) By Bernadette Peters, Illustrated by Liz Murphy  ($17.95)
Oh, this looks like a great little story...and I love the dog pictured on the cute.

- Paul Frank Sticky Notes By Paul Frank Industries  ($9.95)
Paul Frank AND sticky notes...nuff said.

- Speak Italian The Fine Art of the Gesture By Bruno Munari  ($14.95)
With my family's Italian background, this should prove to be quite funny.

- Lincoln in 3-D Amazing and Rare Stereoscopic Photographs of His Life and Times By Bob Zeller and John J. Richter, Prologue by Harold Holzer  ($35.00)
This was one historical figure that I did a MASSIVE report on when I was in school (seriously, the teacher even took it home over the summer to re-read it...and yes, it was that long too) so naturally, this had to make the list.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a nutshell...

  • Read this post, review my wish list, and leave a comment to enter
  • Visit the main site to check out all the other fabulous blogs participating and repeat the step above
It's easy.
It's fun.
It's Chronicle Books Haul-idays celebration and it's in full swing!
Winners will be announced on December 13th according to the official rules so what are you waiting for?  Ho HO ho!  I mean...GO go Go!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I really need to jump on this band wagon, who couldn't use more books, right? Besides, I LOVE all of Chronicle's children's books & their cookbooks are delicious! Perfect choices on your list as well...and no, you can never have too many tote bags. ;o) I can't wait for Christmas!

  2. Would love to win...particularly love cookbooks!

    littleone AT shaw DOT ca

  3. WOW. This sounds great! I have to say it has me a bit curious though.
    It almost sounds too good to be true. I mean, it says if I comment on the winning blog's post I win too. So, if I comment on every single blog post that is linked on the main event website, I am guaranteed to win?? I would think they would have a limit there. I mean I have seen some giveaways on blog that receive over 300 entries. That's A LOT of books for them to give away!

  4. Yup, too good to be true! One commenter from the winning blog will win. And only if they are a resident of the US.

  5. I'm a big fan of Chronicle Books! Wonderful titles!

  6. Confession: I've been listening to Christmas carols ;)

  7. oh wow, what a great list. I saw some interesting titles in there I hadn't heard of before.

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  8. WOW!!! First, I have to say that I love your post with all the fun pics and stuff! You are so good, lol! Secondly, I would LOVE to win! What an out of this world contest! You have an amazing list! My daughter just finished the 4th Ivy and Bean book and those are her favorite! The Crimes of Dr. Watson and Dracula's Heir look and sound awesome! Now I am going to have have to go and add those to my wish list, lol!

  9. Wow, what a great list! Good luck! :-)

  10. A radio station has already started playing Christmas songs? Yikes! Love your list, as there's some titles I'm not familiar with. Good luck!

  11. A very nice list! I had a tough time even thinking I could get over into the cookbook section. You have a wide variety. That's nice. Here's my list:

  12. Awesome response guys...glad you like the promotion as much as I and are enjoying the picks on the wish list. I tried to give it a bit of variety...a little something for everyone. Good luck to you all! ^_^

  13. Great list! I would love to win these books!!!

    stacieconnerty (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. You have some great items on your wishlist! I haven't posted mine yet, but I do have it ready to go (almost). I also have Olive, The Other Reindeer on my list ... it sounds fun! I hope we win!

    (and really .. can you EVER have enough bookish totes? I don't think so)

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  15. Thanks for all the kind words guys and I'm totally with you on the tote bags jewelknits. ^_^ Keep the entries coming! You have until December 13th....

  16. Great list. Never Bite when a growl will do...great title.

    BookNoise at gmail dot com

  17. Love your choices. Excellent variety! This is such an awesome giveaway.

  18. This sounds like a really great list!

  19. Love your choices! And your can't have too many totebags! I have zillions of them...well close to it anyway! Good luck and here's to a win!

    Mollydedwards AT yahoo DOT com

  20. Really nice list! I missed so many of those! Good Luck!

  21. Very nice list! There is some great gift potential here!

  22. Great list! I missed a lot of these books, but I do have Thirteen O'Clock on my list too. The holiday collection sounds particularly good. And the totes & moleskin are so practical.

    I love Chronicle - this is such a generous giveaway. If you'd like to see my list (many cookbooks and children's books), drop by

    Thanks for the entry.

    gaby317nyc at

  23. I don't have many of these on my list! I didn't even see the Sleeping Beauty one!

    Amazing giveaway. My list is up @ my blog now too.

    briheartsbooks at gmail dot com

    I love my Chronicle tote, they are awesome, buy one.

    And btw, a station here in Cincy started playing Xmas music 24/7 THE DAY AFTER HALLOWEEN.

  24. great list, the Dracula's heir sounds interesting.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  25. I love your list! I hope you win!!! Stop by my blog to check out my list too!

    jamie.l.torres at gmail dot com

  26. Great list! Cool contest :)

  27. Interesting list of books! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  28. Great selections! Give yourself another chance to win here:

    Best of luck:)

  29. glad everyone is having such a wonderful time with this promotion! Love checking out all the wish lists out there and getting more great ideas for this holiday season. Keep those entries coming..and good luck! ^_^

  30. Awesome list! I love this contest- it's also giving me a chance to find other blogs I might have missed. Feel free to check out my list if you'd like!

  31. A wonderful list. Very similar to the ones I selected See My List Here A really delightful list. I would absolutely love to win either one.
    Teresa [AT] LadySilk [DOT] Net

  32. I would totally love to win, your list is a fantastic one. I work a couple of blocks down the street from Chronicle's office and I'm always stopping in to ooh and ahh at their awesome books. And I can't live without my moleskines, which I totally love and carry everywhere. :)

  33. What an awesome variety. I wish you the best and cross my fingers.

  34. what a great list! here's hoping we win!

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

  35. Nice list. Chronicle has a great selection of books.

  36. Great list, such a fun giveaway!

  37. I love your list (except the creepy books) - so I'm joining yours. If you'd like to leave a comment on my post it's at:

    Also on Saturday - Monday's I have a Family Friendly Book REview/Giveaway linky. You are welcome to add yours. It usually goes up Friday night or Saturday (depending if I am doing a literacy event).

    Same website as the post above.

    Thanks! Tina "The Book lady"

  38. Wow! I'm glad to see so many seem to like the assortment I chose...good luck to you all...and thanks for the links to your WISH LIST's as well! Will be stopping by to check them out soon...

  39. this is an awsome contest! count me in! I love all books- even creepy ones!

  40. What a neat contest. That is quite a list!


  41. good luck on winning the contest - Would we ALL get a stack of books too????

  42. What a great list of books!


  43. What fun! Isn't this the coolest contest?

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  44. Good selection of titles. Good luck to both of us. And Thank You to Chronicle Books.

    jcamp2020 at aol dot com

    good job!

  45. I would be happy to have any of the books you choose as I am a avid reader and so is my son who is 3. So I would Like to say Thanks for the Giveaway and I am a new follower from Mommies Point of View Please stop by and visit

  46. Looks like a great list! I bet it was fun putting the list together. I noticed you have Olive the Reindeer on your list. I haven't read that book in a while - going to have to find that somewhere. Thanks for holding the contest.

  47. Fabulous choices, especially the Lincoln book!
    Lilyhoot at gmail dot com

  48. Great list of books!
