Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love at First Read: Dash & Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
It's almost Thanksgiving, are you ready?
If that stressed you out too badly, pretend I didn't ask.  I know in our house the final preparations are being made today so it can be kind of crazy hectic so those that thrive on that are in their element...those that don't are seeking an escape.  How about a bookish escape?  (Oh as if you haven't already thought of it...please.)  The pick for today definitely goes down as one of my favorites.  Curious what it is?  Wonder no more.  Today's book of choice is....


Dash and Lily...two unlikely friends at face value, let alone anything more, but most people aren't always what they present just on the surface.  These two...definitely more there and they just might come together over a red Moleskine notebook with a handful of dares and some memories to share. Sound like the start to a great new title? It is!

A newer release to the YA scene, this is one dare that I'd happily accept all over again...and no, I wasn't dared to read it.  In fact, I discovered this title in one of my weekly emails amongst several of the newest releases a few weeks back.  I wasn't planning on buying any books that particular weekend though since I've been suffering from a case of my-funds-are-low (perhaps you've heard of it?)...but low and behold one nice discount coupon later and a stop at a bookstore that happened to be where I was out and about that day, and the book was mine...and so the adventure began....

The title intrigued me, the cover beckoned me, and the story welcomes all those that claim the term "bookish" as a description of themselves. Honestly, I'm not certain there are words powerful enough to describe it. It's not often that I am rendered you well know if you've been around the blog any length of time; in fact, more often than not I tend to share my thoughts at length.  This book however leaves me spouting effigies of love like a complete and total FANGIRL.

It's not earth shattering in the sense that it's unbelievable or going to change the world...very rarely is there a book of that caliber...but it is earth shaking enough to read it once, read it twice, and shout to the world (or whisper to your friends...which is just how I managed to get at least a few more people interested in it) that this is one of those books that should not be missed. 

Maybe it's the writing and how you fall so easily into each situation presented whether everyday ordinary or on the edge of uncomfortable (like this one scene where Dash has to retrieve the next note/dare from a Santa Claus...let's just say it fits this description well).  Maybe it's the characters as I think most girls can find themselves in some aspect of Lily and let's face it...if Dash were real, I'd totally want to know him (read into that what you like).  Maybe...just's the combination of elements in the storyline...the twists and turns along the way, the quirky romance that may or may not be and the characters (complete with their close and not so close friends and family) that make this adventure completely enjoyable.  Anyway you slice it....its grade A in my book.

So get ready to fall in love with Dash and/or won't be the first nor will you be the last but you will quite possibly find a new book to put on your favorite list and a new affection for red Moleskine notebooks...just sayin'.  Recommended for teen readers and beyond as there are a few instances of foul language and close encounters of the shared kind but it's nothing to shocking. This book was purchased by moi for moi and shall remain with moi (hehe).  For more information on the book, authors, or publisher (Knopf Books for Young Readers), feel free to click the links scattered throughout this post. 

Riddle me this....since it is the season of giving and sharing, what's one of your more recent favorite reads and why?  I'm certainly curious to know and I'm sure that your fellow readers are as well.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. I just finished Christmas Letters by Debbie Macomber and I loved it. It's seasonal and features a love/hate relationship that was loads of fun to read.

  2. I keep seeing all of these great reviews for this one. I need to pick it up.

    I'm currently reading two books that I'm really enjoying. The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball and Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly.

  3. Okay, I just received my 50% off coupon from Borders and was trying to think of a book to pick up with it...well, needless to say my coupon is being used on this very book! I LOVED your review! I could definitely use this fun escape during the holiday season, plus it works for reviews as well. Yay! Thank you thank you!

    As for recent fabulous reads...I'd definitely go with Wither from Lauren DeStefano. It was fantastic and if you like dystopian novels it's one not to miss. Let me know if you've received it. I may be able to help if you haven't and you want to! :o) Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. You know, I actually hadn't heard about this one. I'll definitely have to keep an eye out. Enjoy your thanksgiving!

  5. Sounds great! Hadn't heard of this one, but now that you mention it, this just might be the title I pick up with my 50% Borders coupon!

  6. Juju: Ooh...thanks for the recommendation! Will have to check it out...

    Teresa: *nods* I've been hearing great things about REVOLUTION but haven't heard of the other one...some thing to investigate....thanks! ^_^

    the1stdaughter: Yay! So glad you're going to check it out...really was a lot of fun...and I'm going to add you to my list of "convinced to read this book" people. Hehe. Oh yes..WITHER is suppose to be VERY good and with a recommendation like that from you as well, certainly will look into it more. ^_^

    Lizzy: Egads! You haven't heard of this one? No worries...something new to explore then! Thanks for the holiday wishes...hope yours was great as well.

    Alexia561: I'm curious if you did in fact pick this one up.... *peers at screen*
