Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Roving Reader

Uh oh.  Looks like someone found my Christmas List from once upon a know, the one I wrote down everything I loved out of the Sears Christmas catalog?  Hehe...yeah, it was LONG!

The Longest Christmas List Ever
Gregg & Evan Spiridellis

Check it out!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **


  1. hahahaha I love this looks and sounds far too cute ;)

  2. How lovely. How I wish we could read children's stories for the holiday reading challenge I'm doing. What the heck, I'll see if I can get hold of a copy anyway, it looks too sweet to miss.

    Talking os sweet seasonal reading might I suggest you look up Once Upon A Christmas by David Oxtoby, another beautiful read.

  3. Melissa: Agreed! ^_^

    Petty Witter: Yay! Sounds like a plan...hope you enjoy! Oh and thanks for the recommendation as well...will have to look into it. *adds to "learn more about" list* ^_^

  4. Oh my! This looks just about like the Turkeybird right about now. I keep asking about Christmas and every time it's something different. I don't have any idea how we will pick, I'm worried he'll end up with something other than what he REALLY wanted, you know? Ahhh!
