Thursday, November 4, 2010

VAMPYRE: The Terrifying Lost Journal of Dr. Cornelius Van Helsing


Velcome to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today you are in for a treat my friends as we delve into the spooky side of my tale that has been hidden for many many centuries.  You'll see how I was vastly mistreated by the media and the veal culprit is the one hunter who got in the vay of my plans....

*CRASH* bang *ZOOM*
Sorry about seems as though good old Count D doesn't want to be put to rest for the season and decided to try and take over today's post.  Operative word there is try.  (hehe)  Now that the bat is back in the belfry so to speak, there's no reason why we can't take a look at the book for today's post, which oddly enough features him (sorta).  (Hmm.....a bit of a narcissist are we Count?)  Today's book of choice is....

The Terrifying Lost Journal of Dr. Cornelius Van Helsing
Dr. Cornelius Van Helsing and Gustav De Wolff

Once upon a time there was….wait, no…that’s a little too fairytale of a start. Let’s try that again. *ahem* In the dark of night, a creature stalks it’s prey…okay, now it’s too scary. Hmm, trying to find a balance here is proving mighty difficult. How about I just say it…out loud (hehe)….VAMPYRE. There, now you know the subject matter of the book or rather what the subject of the book is tracking. You see, this book is not merely about vampyres, no siree; in fact, it’s not even a book per se. This is the (lost and now found) journal of Dr. Cornelius Van Helsing, and thanks to his trusty sidekick Gustav de Wollf (nice name, really), we are now privy to its contents. What marvels await your discovery within these pages, one can simply not say as they must be experienced. Travel back to the time of Dracula's reign and see just how one vampyre hunter got his start....and may have met his final end.... *dun*dun*dun*

A great read for this time of year (Halloween, that is) or any other for that matter....this book takes a fictional look at the life of Van Helsing and his assistant as well as an outer peek at the lives of those afflicted by Dracula's terror in the original story. We all know what happened in the original text or at the very least the Hollywood version, well apparently there’s a bit more to it than first meets the eye. Thank goodness this lost journal was discovered or the truth may have been lost forever!

Sprinkled with historical accounts of events, myths, and legend and presented in an interactive book design, it's sure to delight readers of all ages. The fold out pages, inserts to pull and read, a few pop ups here and there, take me back to days gone by (okay, yesterday…no judging) of childhood memories and one of my favorite books at the time, The Jolly Postman. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? If not, might I suggest it to you? It’s one of those books that are good for all ages, combining the whimsical appeal of the story with book to reader interaction…much like today’s featured titled just with more rainbows and ponies than vampires and wolves. Anywho, back to this story…

Something rather curious to note from the publisher in regards to the book. It seems that the items included to enhance your reading experience are facsimile editions of actual items found in the late Doctor’s possessions. As it seems, Dr. Gustav de Wolff’s son Marcus uncovered a locked box after his father’s death in 1937 with an array of interesting things, amongst them a journal from 1907…revealing a rather curious story indeed.

Fact or fiction? You be the judge though I’m betting there is a touch of both in here; either way you’re in for a spooky fun time. Recommended reading for all ages as there is a little something for everyone. Younger readers will delight in the pull outs and visual effects. Older readers will easily find themselves immersed in the journal entries themselves as well as the lists, formulas, and general research included by good doctor and his assistant.

Review copy from my own personal library. HarperCollins is listed as the publisher though the only mention I can find of the book online is on other websites so for more information on the title….you might just have to do a little research on your own.

Until next time….happy reading!


  1. Ooh I like the sound of the Vampyre book - it sounds just that little bit different.

  2. I'm still a vamp lover. I am actually finally getting around to reading Braum Stokers Dracula.

    This one looks spooky cute

  3. Juju: Thanks, Juju! It is spooky, but in a totally fun way. ^_^

    Petty Witter: Agreed! Was a fun time...

    Cleverly Inked: Really? That's great! I, um....still haven't read it...but it IS on my list! (promise) ^_^

  4. I love this! It sounds a lot like the review I did for Vampireology. I love books that add a little to them, making them more than just a telling of "history". Makes it way more fun that way and this one sounds great! You know me, I'm a huge vampire fan, so this is one I'd definitely pick up! Thanks!
