Wednesday, December 22, 2010

BLOG TOUR: Red In the Flower Bed by Andrea Nepa

Welcome everyone!

It's another day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers which means it's time to spotlight another great bookish find.  Today we play host to a blog tour courtesy of Nicole at Tribute Books that spotlights a topic that we don't necessarily hear about every day but it impacts the lives of many round the world.  In a word....ADOPTION. 

Perhaps you know someone that has been adopted or were adopted yourself, the revelation of this news to you may have been hard to understand at first and yet with time you hopefully came to terms with what it truly means.  You were loved so much not only by ONE parent or set of parents that made the hard choice of setting you on a path for a better life, but by TWO.  You were/are special and are part of a family by more than blood but by CHOICE.  Today's blog tour guest and book of choice is...

An Illustrated Children's Story About Interracial Adoption

This is the story of one seeds journey from creation to life and the time it took to find a place to call home. The flower imagery used is beautiful, poetic and rather easy to relate to making this not only a great story to share but a great tool to help explain adoption to inquiring young minds. The child is the seed, the garden flowers the adopting family. While separate they are equally beautiful, but together...they create a masterpiece in color, contrast, and love.

I love how the illustrations mimic an arts and crafts project, or even a scrapbook. Seriously...they have the visible texture of construction paper and fabric, gauze and ribbon, all placed with care to make an image pertinent to that particular point in the story. It may even spark the imagination of those that read the story to create a memory book of their own.

I'm actually rather surprised I haven't seen more books like these. I mean honestly, adoption can be a hard subject to broach and though I'm not speaking from personal experience (unless you count my furry kids), it is there for all to see on TV, in movies, and bookish renditions available to the public. Now I know what you're thinking...those aren't real. Well, whether real as in actual life or real as in acting they still portray the truth in some form and if it's that hard in the land of make believe to come to terms with this sort revelation, can you imagine having the news simply sprung on you as a child of any age? As with anything, the reaction you see all depends on the person or persons involved, but with a good support system in place, it can only help to cushion any impact felt. The gentle nature of this shared tale could certainly serve as one of those cushions of support while working as a means of introducing the concept of adoption in a most positive and loving light.

All in all, a wonderful book for readers young and young at heart with a message of love and acceptance, family and hope. Whether adoption is something that has impacted you personally or is merely a curiosity, this story is certainly one I'd consider sharing with those near to my heart.  Want to find out more?  To view an excerpt from the book, simply click here.  Book trailers more your speed?  Check out the video below.

This book is currently available through the Tribute Books website.  More information on this title as well as their full catalog can be found online via the same site, as well as their Facebook page, or Twitter feed.   A brief look at the author of this touching story....

Andrea Nepa Bio:
Andrea Nepa is the mother of an adopted Vietnamese daughter named Leah. In 2001, Adoptions from the Heart assisted with the international adoption. Andrea dedicated her book to her daughter: "For my dear Leah, whose journey in her young life has already taken her to far away and unexpected places." In 2006, Leah was diagnosed with cancer. She is currently in remission. Andrea lives with Leah and her husband, David, in Haddonfield, New Jersey. She is a registered dietitian for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

You can also find the author online via the book's official website, or her Facebook page.  Special thanks to Nicole at Tribute Books for both the review copy and chance to host this tour.  (THANKS!)  Be sure to check out their site for more great bookish finds for all ages and interests.

One final note, there is a holiday special airing tonight in most US cities on CBS called A Home for the Holidays.  It's a holiday celebration featuring some of the biggest and brightest stars in the world today that benefits the Dave Thomas organization that helps children in foster care find forever homes.  Check your local TV listings to find out what time it's airing in your community and take another look at this festive time of year through the eyes of some very special children.
Until next time...happy holidays...and happy reading.


  1. Gina - WOW! I can't even put into words how much I appreciate your review. You are such a talented and thoughtful writer that it's an honor to have RED IN THE FLOWER BED featured on your blog (one of my absolute favorites by the way).

    You're so right - the mental image we have of parents talking to adopted children about adoption come from fictionalized accounts on TV or in the movies. That is what makes Andrea's book special because she is a real-life adoptive mother explaining the concept to her daughter, Leah and to all of the children who pick up the book.

    Thank you again and have a very Merry Christmas!
    Tribute Books

  2. Aww, are too kind! It was a pleasure to host this stop along the tour; the book truly is a work of art. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of it all. Merry Christmas to you and yours! ^_^

  3. Thank you very much for reviewing my book. If anyone ever wanted to contact me directly about it, you can reach me at

  4. Andrea Nepa: Thank you so much for stopping by as well as for the contact information. I'm sure readers will certainly find it useful. ^_^

  5. Glad to! Sorry it took me so long to leave a comment.
