Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Tag!


I've been hit!
It's okay.  Go on without me.
--closes eyes--

-one eye pops open-
Wait a's not fatal?
Pardon the dramatic interlude but it seemed appropriate for the day as both posts have to deal with the game of tag in one way or another.  How so?  You'll just have to check back later to find out...but let's get on with this post while we're here.

I was tagged by my good bloggish and bookish friend Michelle, better known as "the red headed book child" who keeps a blog by the same name. (Hi Michelle! ~waves~)  It's really a great blog showcasing her love of life, musical theater and books all in one easy to read place.  If you haven't stopped over there, might I suggest that you do?  (Yes, I fact I just did.)  Oh and she's also hosting her very first reading challenge, the "2011 A-Z Mystery Author Challenge", that kicks off 01/01/2011 so if you're in the mood for a few good mysteries, check it out...I believe sign up is still open. (*crosses fingers*)  Anywho back to my tag...

This holiday tag consists of a list of holiday type questions that I shall attempt to answer without boring you in a less than lengthy fashion since I too tend to get rather wordy at times...and then...I get to tag a few more people (muwhahahaha).  Here we go!


When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays?

Thanksgiving night.  Traditionally that's when my family puts up all the Christmas decorations and so it adds the "ho ho ho" to the holidays.

What do you want for Christmas this year?

World peace.
Puppies for all.
Okay...seriously...just time with family, nothing more nothing less.
(Though I still think puppies for all is a GREAT idea.)

Do you go all out with decorations?

To some degree, really depends on the "theme" that year though.
For example, this year we have the house trimmed in white lights (roof, windows, door, garage), 6 white trees on the lawn, 2 moving reindeer (in, you guessed it, white lights), and the driveway lined in little Christmas trees and snow flakes (that yet again light up with white lights).  ^_^

What are you doing Christmas Eve?

Spending time at home with family and celebrating with the "Feast of the Seven Fishes".  It's an Italian tradition where the evening meal consists of seven smaller courses each featuring a different type of fish.


What are you doing Christmas Day?

When I was younger, waking Mom up at the crack of dawn.
Nowadays?  Sleeping in a bit...then presents!  ^_^

It's Christmas time. What are you reading?

Each year I try to read one version or another of that classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  Other than that, I usually squeeze in a few holiday themed titles and whatever else catches my eye.  A new favorite this year was The Christmas Chronicles by Tim Slover.

Favorite movie to watch during the holidays?

Any and all Christmas movies!
We always watch the Charlie Brown Christmas and Garfield's Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the cartoon one) matter what.  Other than that, we try to make a point of watching Santa Claus:  The Movie (that's the old one, not the Tim Allen one...though that series is good too)...and more recently The Polar Express (one of Mom's favorites)....not to mention ABC Family Channel has some GREAT original movies this time of year.

Favorite Christmas song?

Depends on the moment you ask me!
Right now, since I heard it in the car earlier....The Christmas Can-Can sung by Straight No Chaser.
(Fun song!)

Favorite holiday drink?

Hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows.

How is your Christmas shopping going?

It's done!
A bit untraditionally this year, but done.

If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it?

I guess there's not one particular place right off hand, but DEFINITELY somewhere with snow.  I miss it so!


Any holiday traditions?

Day after Thanksgiving shopping is a must!
The "Feast of the Seven Fishes" on Christmas Eve.
Driving through town just to look at all the Christmas lights.
Mom's Christmas cookies!

Favorite thing about the Holidays.

The overall feeling of happiness and joy that seems to permeate the air.  It's too bad the feeling can't last all year.

Still there?
Yay!  ^_^

Tis the season to share with one and all...and now it's time for three more bloggers to share their holiday secrets.  I would love to tag the following three bloggers...

Danielle at There's A Book
Petty Witter at Pen and Paper
Bri at Bri Meets Books

Share with us your holiday fun pass it on to 3 more!

Until next time...happy holidays...and happy reading!


  1. bahahaha I freaking love the kitty! and your answers, of course :)

    happy (almost) holidays ;)

  2. I like your idea of puppies for all. :D

    Christmas Can-Can?? Never heard of it. *Goes on youtube to find it*

    Love it!! :D

  3. Some great questions and answers, I only hope I can do as well now that I've been tagged.

  4. Melissa: ^_^ Same thing I thought when I found the pic. HAD to include it. Happy holidays!

    Juju: Definitely is. Check YouTube for their vids or (their site) ^_^

    Melanie: I knew that one would be popular! LOL. Glad you checked out the song...funny, right?

    Petty Witter: Oh I'm sure you will probably even better. Thanks for playing along! ^_^

  5. I love the idea of the Feast of Seven Fishes...though, seven different types of fish? That would be a tough one, but definitely doable. I'd love it!

    This is such a fun post! I'll get working on mine and hopefully have one up in the next couple of days. Thank you so much for thinking of me! And if you happen to figure out the puppies for everyone, let me know! We'd love to have one! :o)

  6. The1stdaughter: Yes, the "7" can be rather daunting...sometimes we cheat a bit though on a course or two and serve the same item in a whole different way. ^_^ Can't wait to see what you come up with....and yes, I'm still working on the puppy wish. ^_^
