Monday, January 17, 2011

In My Shopping Bag (63)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag this week....



Ten Little Zombies:  A Love Story by Andy Rash
I Heart Everything Journal
(courtesy of Alyson at Chronicle Books)
How perfect is this little combo for the upcoming holiday?  Really....the book is unexpected fun and the journal, tre magnifique!  Can't wait to share my thoughts on both.... (~whispers~ and what bookish person couldn't use a nifty journal to record their observations in?)


Captivate by Carrie Jones
Tempted by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast
Yay!  Both sequels, well, series that are in my TBR and yes are unread at this point, but I'll get to them; you can count on it.  ^_^

Fairest of All by Serena Valentino
Aside from the potential sotry, you have to love the cover on this one.  The jacket has the evil queen, but the actual hardcover itself has the old woman image.  Cool, huh?  ^_^

All from my good friend Nayuleska of Nayu's Reading Corner.
~happy dance~


That's it for this week.
What did YOU get?
Do tell!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. How wonderfully scary is the cover of Fairest Of All - I love it.

  2. Petty Witter: Agreed. One of my favorites aspects of the book at face value. ^_^

  3. Ten Little Zombies looks like so much fun & how cool is the cover for Fairest of All. Enjoy your new books :)

  4. Love the looks of Ten Little Zombies, and totally agree with you about journals! I'm a huge journal lover! And very cool cover on Fairest of All. Hope the story is as good as the cover!

  5. Fairest of Them All certainly catches the eye! I've seen it in bookstores, but I never thought to look underneath the cover. Too cool!

  6. The wicked witch from Snow White still scares me!

  7. Christie: It was...I mean is...I mean, yes I'm guilty of reading it the moment it arrived. ^_^

    Alexia561: *high five* Gotta love journals really. This is one is totally going in my bag to take with me everyone.... ^_^

    Melanie: Ah..."for it is not what is outside but what is inside that counts..." Sorry, borrowed the line from the opening scenes of Aladdin...hehe. ^_^ Yeah, I remember making the discovery when I first saw the book....unusual, but creative.

    Tribute Books Mama: *nods* No worries; it's only a book.

  8. What great books! I love the covers on them all! I also love the title of Ten Little Zombies, lol! Enjoy!

  9. Okay, seriously in love with that last one! Is it a picture book? Or just a story book? I'd be interested in picking it up just because the cover is SO cool!

    Also, so jealous of the zombie book! I may have to inquire after that one. ;o)

    Hopefully your mailbox will be rather kind to you this week! *wink wink* Still...some rather great ones this week!
