Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Taste Testing Tuesdays (60)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading
On the menu this week...a case of deja vu (as the title is lingering from last week...hey, the holidays made me do it, honest!) and a new title I'll be cracking the spine on later today.
Ready for a taste?


There are some people on earth who are actually angels.  They come into your life when you need their help, in those times of darkness, carrying you when you need to be held, guiding, comforting, understanding, teaching.  Honest-to-goodness angels.
Deedee, our angel.
-- pg 46, Repairing Rainbows by Lynda Fishman

Okay, so I sorta cheated on this particular tease as it didn't randomly open to this page, but it is a page I recently finished reading and the passage just struck my heart strings.  Simply had to share... 

I knew The Experiment would need to entail a total iPhone disconnect for myself.  It was my chief and most cherished addiction; plus, the device itself functioned as a kind of super-screen.  It did everything all the individual devices could do, and more.  I could watch TV on it, or movies, or check e-mail, or surf the Net, or take photographs, or play games, or listen to music, or...Okay, down girl.
-- pg 83, The Winter of Our Disconnect by Susan Maushart (ARC)

I'm very curious to see how this one pans out.  It's about one family's "experiment" with pulling the plug on the household...as in no "electronic weaponry" (PC, iPods, etc) for SIX MONTHS.  O_O  Can you imagine?  This book is set to publish January 20th from Tarcher/Penguin.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.* 


Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I love and agree whole heartedly with the first one.

    The funny thing is sometimes, it is not to well after the angel has come and gone that we realize it.

    Today my TT is a 3-for-1 :)

  2. Love your teasers! Especially Repairing Rainbows - and that is one heck of a cover. My curiousity is highly piqued!!

  3. I agree, what a wonderful quote. Strange to think how quickly angels seem to have replaced vampires - I have heard that mermaids are the next 'in thing'. Hmm, personally I would have thought these would have limited scope.

  4. The Winter of our Disconnect has me curious. I don't think I could disconnect for a day, much less an entire season! I'm totally addicted to the internet and get all twitchy if I can't go online. Yes, it's very sad.... *L*

  5. Reapearing Rainbows cover freaks me out.

  6. Juju: Very true!

    April: Thanks! The cover is actually from a newsclipping that ties into the story. Almost through reading...review to come soon. ^_^

    Petty Witter: Good point! It does seem that angels (in fiction) have become a high focus right now...but I don't think the vamps are completely back in the coffin, I mean closet, yet.

    Alexia561: I know...the horror! It causes enough heartache when the computer slows down to process something for a second or two. Looking forward to the read.

    Cleverly Inked: As it should in a way...it's a real photo from a newsclipping...but more on that later. ^_^

  7. Great teasers! The first is definitely SO true. The second is just hilarious! Soundslike me ocassionally. LOL
