Thursday, February 17, 2011

If I Were Your Monster by Scott Nicholson

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

I am typing this today in the wee hours of the morning and....I feel like crud.  No if I ramble or sound out of sorts, you know it's the cold medicine talking.  I think my friend passed their sickly germs to me as they were coming down with something the other day so yeah....note to self to thank them when I see them again. *achoo!*  Anywho...

We're still celebrating a week of "love" thanks to Valentine's Day occurring this past Monday and today's featured title has not only been selected because I enjoyed the read, but it's also about a love that everyone can relate to....that between a parent and child.  Ready?  Today's book of choice is....


Whoa whoa whoa....back up there.  Before you continue reading, did you catch the title AND author?  Go ahead, reread it.  *waits*  Now for those of you that have been to my site before, you may know that I've reviewed other titles by Mr. Nicholson previously.  You may also remember that those books were Fiction or Horror novels, some of which carried age warnings for potential readers due to content.  Do I expect you to believe that this same said author has now added a storybook to his portfolio of work....a children's picture book no less?  Yep.  I most certainly do...and please be advised, IT IS GOOD!

This is the tale of one little girl's bedtime story brought to life by her imagination and the words of her father.  It's a fitting tribute to the love between a parent and child as he reassures her that there is no monster under her bed, the boogey man will not get her, and above all...he's there for her.  It was touching, surprising, and oh so clever in both it's use of verse and fantastic illustrations.  The only "monster" I didn't particularly care for was the wizard, ironically enough.  He seemed kind of creepy even if the others were actually "monsters", but aside from him and his "silly spell", the book was a wonderful treat.

With each turn of the page, we discover just what each monster would do to frighten off any other monsters lurking in the shadows whether they be bothersome boys or hobbling hob goblins.  It's really quite a sight and certainly unexpected.  I mean one page you have a vampire gingerly tucking the wide eyed little girl in, and the next...he's ready to chomp down on those lurking outside.  We have werewolves, monsters, ghostlings, mummies and so many more creatures from the darker parts of the imagination and yet each one has something positive to bring to the table to help show the little girl that there is nothing to be afraid of. 

If the story and message weren't enough, you definitely want to check this one out for the pictures.  Illustrator Lee Davis did an outstanding job in creating the pictures.  Not only do they portray the little girl in all her wide eyed innocence, and the monsters on which she can rely, but attention to detail is what made them truly come to life.  It's amazing how such a small book can make such a big impact.

Recommended for readers of all ages.  Children and adults alike are certain to enjoy this story on some level.  eBook for review courtesy of author Scott Nicholson.  For more information on this title as well as his other works, be sure to check out his website, blog, or follow along on Twitter for the latest and greatest breaking news. 

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Poor you, I'm also suffering with an stinking cold.

    Thanks for this recommendation, Scott is obviously a very versatile writer.

  2. Petty Witter: Oh, I feel for you. Hope you feel better soon! Yes, I would have to agree with you on versatility as it's quite the leap between the two but it successfully works. ^_^

  3. I'm very excited about this one myself! Scott is one of my favorite horror authors & I love that he's delving into childrens books as well!

  4. Well that sounds sweet! I like it. Great review.

  5. Well the cover looks a bit horrific! Looks fun though too!

  6. First of all, I hope you are feeling better!!!!
    Secondly, I love the cover of this!! It looks and sounds wonderful!! I haven't read anything by this author, but definitely want to now!!!

  7. Jenn's Bookshelves: Really? Then this should be right up your alley. It's very sweet with a hit of scare. ^_^

    Juju: Thanks!

    Michelle: LOL...yeah, the monsters can be sorta kinda maybe a tinge scary, but the words help them show their true colors.

    April: Thank you! {hugs..from a distance so as not to spread germs} Agreed on the cover, a lot of fun there. It'd be a great way to introduce yourself to Mr. Nicholson's world...go for it! ^_^

  8. I love children's books...this is definitely one I want to share with the kiddos in my life!

  9. Ms. Dawn: Fantastic. Glad to hear it! ^_^

  10. I hope you are starting to feel better by now!

    This book looks fantastic! I love the idea of monsters and numbers with making them seem less scary. Plus the illustrations look fantastic. Marvelous review as always! :o)

  11. the1stdaughter: Alas, still under the weather to some degree but working on the "getting better" part. Really was a great little book....I can certainly see Turkeybird (and even Littlebug in a year or two) enjoying this one (and of course Mom). ^_^
