Monday, February 14, 2011

In My Shopping Bag (67)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag this week....



The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady by Elizabeth Stuckey-French
(ARC courtesy of Doubleday Publishing)
Strange pick for me?  Not THAT strange...and the fact that it takes place in surrounding areas makes it too interesting to miss.  In stores now....for more info, just follow the link!

The Fourth Stall by Chris Rylander
Juniper Berry by M.P. Kozlowsky (ARC)
(review copies courtesy of Kellie at Walden Pond Press)
I was entirely excited when I was contacted about these two having just read more on the first one in store and seen the second one featured in a WoW post on a fellow blogger's site.  I'm admitted more than halfway through the first one (hehe) but the second one will have to wait a short while to make it to the top of the TBR...but no worries, there it will be in no time.  The Fourth Stall is in stores now....Juniper Berry will be hitting shelves this coming April.



by Catherine Fisher
plus bookmark
(via contest from Karen at Bookin' with Bingo)
Yay for contests and YAY for the fab blogs that host them!  Certainly a happy surprise when I found out I won this prize pack as I've heard great things regarding the series.  Have to thank "Bingo" for the bookmark as well...can never have too many of those.  If you haven't checked out her site, you really should.  She always has something new to discover and happily shares her thoughts on a myriad of genres....usually tied together with a contest to intrigue.


(1) fabulous dragon ornament
(2) bookmarks
(1) pen
(via contest hosted by The Bookish Type blog, Goddess Fish Promotions, and author Sandy Lender)
This was quite the surprise when I was contacted by the author regarding the win.  To be honest, when I commented on the interview, I didn't even notice the contest...I simply wished to share my thoughts on what was shared.  Little happy dance for me when I heard the news and upon receipt, the dragon ornament is rather stunning...don't you think?  Thank you so much to all the people involved in this promotion!


That's it for this week.
So what do you think?  What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I was just wondering about Radioactive Lady. The cover is so cute!

  2. You've got some awesome books this week! I have been dying to read Incarceron. I've heard some great things about it! I look forward to your review.

  3. Juju: Cute...hmmm...don't know about that adjective with her holding a knife...O_O...but definitely eye catching. (LOL)

    Christina: *nods excitedly* ^_^

  4. Oh! Love it! So excited you got Incarceron & Sapphique! Hubby just finished them both in a matter of days because he liked them SO much. He's been begging me to catch up with him. hehe.

    Another fantastic week! :o)

  5. Was impressed that you received a book titled "The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady", then I saw the awesome dragon ornament! Major SQUEEE! :D

  6. I really appreciate that you commented without ulterior motives of winning a contest =D I was just feeling a little frustrated that people enter contests and can't be bothered to comment on the post. You rock and I'm so glad you won!

  7. The1stdaughter: Really? Cool. Certainly sounds like an intriguing series....can't wait. ^_^

    Alexia561: Hehe....I live to surprise. ^_^

    Casey: Absolutely. I totally feel your frustration...{hugs}...but as long as it's still "fun" that's the point, right? Well, that and sharing our LOVE of books....hehe. Thank YOU for the contest and the great post. ^_^

  8. *me going green with envy*

    I'm absolutely jealous to see that you have Sapphique! I've heard tonnes of good thing about the series so I really hope you enjoy the books!
