Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Roving Reader

I just have one thing to say....
...I would NOT want to be THAT dentist!
(Actually...I think the dentist is an aardvark...huh.)

Never Take a Shark to the Dentist
Judi Barrett

What caught your eye when out and about?
Do tell!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **


  1. LOL
    How cute.
    Makes me think of that shark cartoon movie :)

  2. Oh my! I HAVE to have this book! Turkeybird would love it! Sharks are definitely one of his "things" so I have no doubt he'd love this. I love it!

  3. Juju: Definitely...but drawing a blank on the Shark movie... ??

    The1stdaughter: *high five* Glad to add to Turkeybird's reading list... ^_^

    Cleverly Inked: You're guess is as good as mine. I thought maybe aardvarks? Either way though...too fun. ^_^
