Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ruby Valentine Saves the Day by Laurie Friedman

Hi there readers!

Welcome back to the site that strives to satisfy your craving for all things bookish...well at least for a little while anyway....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  A great big thank you...wait, that was too small...THANK YOU (much better) to all of you for making a stop here a part of your day.  Your comments and thoughts, heck even your lurking without saying a word (you know who you are) is much appreciated and I am humbled by your presence.

What's up with the tone of 'thanks' today?  Why it's almost Valentine's Day and love in its many forms just seems to be in the air.  *takes a big sniff...and exhale*  Ah, sweet is it not?'s feature is for the young numerically and at heart as well as a perfect book for Valentine's Day if I do say so.  It's little story I happened upon while perusing the NetGalley site not so long ago. What's that? You don't do eBooks you say? No comes in actual book format too and would most certainly be worth the addition to your library if not for the story, for the artwork!  Ready to "read all about it"? Here we go. Today's book of choice is...

illustrated by

The scene opens as Ruby Valentine and Lovebird (you've got to love those names) are just getting settled into their new home. You see, they just recently moved to the area and are now residing in a cozy little cottage high above the city of Heartland...the perfect place for a family with the name of "Valentine" don't you think? Ruby's favorite holiday (Valentine's Day....who'd have thought? ^_^) is fast approaching and being new in town, she's come up with the perfect way to celebrate this year...a party! She promptly makes the (most adorable) invitations inviting the whole town to the get together. Everything seems to be going well with the preparations...there's just one little problem.  Ruby forgot to check the thermostat when making the plans because just like most of you (not us down here...*grumble*grumble*) are experiencing this year, it was colder than usual and when the big day arrived....surprise! Snow...and lots of it. Will the big party be ruined leaving these two fine friends to spend Valentine's Day on their own? 

The story is quick, the message from the heart.  It's one of those books that you just can't help but smile the whole way through.  Even when things seem at their worst the friendship between Ruby and Lovebird helps assure you that things will be okay one way or the other.  Certainly an eye catcher for any little (and older) girl readers in your midst but not without merit for younger boys as well (older boys may be opposed to the all the pink but hey, if you can get them to read it...more power to you because it certainly won't disappoint).  Now on to something I feel like rambling (not for too long...promise!) about regarding this particular title...the artwork.

I love the details in the artwork. The subtle hints of pink in the overtly green landscape. The hearts for windows and half hearts for room trim on the house. The writing on the moving boxes, the tea cups and stamps, even the bushes lining the's a virtual heart-a-palooza in the best and cutest way possible.  Little ones will delight in finding as many hearts as they can while older readers will chuckle at the creative ways they are snuck into each picture.  Wonderful attention to detail which makes readers pay all the more attention to it. 

The ending is marvelous both in artwork (I know, I know...enough with the artwork, but it really is so cute!) and message showing us that the surprises in life are what really make it interesting and certainly memorable. On a brief but ever fun side note, the link within the book title near the top of this post takes you to the publisher's page (no surprise) but it also has a few extras for continuing the fun once you've reached books end.  There are PDF download options for a bookmark, coloring sheet, word search, crossword puzzle...even a "create-your-own" Valentine!  Great fun to be had.  This little gem was released November 2010 so it should be readily available on a bookstore shelf near you perfect for a little holiday reading for the whole family. 

Review copy read via NetGalley.  (THANKS!)  To check out their ever expanding virtual catalog of books, be sure to check out their website and follow along on Twitter for the latest news.  The publisher is listed as Carolrhoda Books, an imprint of Lerner Publishing Group, both of which can be found online or guess where...Twitter!  (Now who'd have thought?  LOL.)

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Love the cover! It reminds me of those SweetHeart candies that say "Be Mine!" It really captures the sweetness of the holiday.

  2. so. cute!
    must find this and gush over all the other illustrations :o)

  3. Tribute Books: Ah yes, that's right! It does bring those to mind. ^_^

    RivkaBelle: Yes...agreed! ^_^

  4. I awarded you;

  5. OMG how cute is that! I would frame it :)

  6. Oh! I reviewed this one today! I loved this sweet story, it was so cute! And I agree on the attention to detail, the illustrations were fantastic. Perfect book for the holidays. :o)
