Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Taste Testing Tuesdays (65)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading
On the menu this week...one book I just started this weekend and am surprisingly enjoying even if it is different than first imagined....and an ebook of the YA persuasion that's too fun to miss.  Ready for a taste?  Here is comes....


The whole of Massachusetts was ripped with anti-slavery fever that February of '55, the whole of Massachusetts except her Pa-pa.  He railed against 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', said that its Authoress was in league with all Literati and other such devils.  And she wondered if Father's ranting had more to do with Harriet Beecher Stowe's sex than with her ideas.  But Emily didn't argue with Pa-pa. 
-- pg 136, The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson by Jerome Charyn

I have to say, this is a blush worthy read at times itself, though much more pious in description.  Exploring the early days of Ms. Dickinson in a fictional account, one can only wonder what life was really like in those formative days...not to mention marvel at the pull between her and "Domingo"...*wink*wink*.  Look for the blog tour featuring this title in the following weeks. 

"Katherine has a thing about sororities and popularity.  It goes in cycles--and it's true.  I've seen the class pictures from the years we don't hang on the wall, and they're hideous."
-- pg 17, GREEK:  Best Frenemies by Marsha Warner

This little exchange is from Casey speaking to Cappee about the Omega Kai Sweetheart competition...I mean nomination, bestowed upon Rebecca.  If you watch the show, you know how well she fits THAT image... *-*  A lot of fun and a quick read all in one.  Can't wait to see how it all turns out.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.* 


Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Emily dear, I can see your knickers and I can't believe you said "sex"! Must improper in your day ;)

    (Totally teasing! I couldn't help chatting with the dear about her knickers) ;)

    Great teaser!

    Here is my TT

  2. What a great teaser - it tells so much about the times in very few words.

  3. Juju: LOL. You just help mentioning that part can you? ^_^ Oh, the word use...this section was more of what she was thinking as opposed to saying outloud....though some of those are rather eyebrow raising as well. *-*

    Petty Witter: Well said. ^_^

  4. LOL, yes some picture should not be hung

  5. Oh my! Both of those teasers are hilarious and the first is rather unexpected. LOL. Now I'm really interested to see what you think overall...kind of the point of course. ;o)

  6. Love the "Emily Dickinson" cover...hadn't heard about this one...adding it to the TBR list now!

  7. So glad that you chose a passage from Emily that mentioned her father. Jerome does a great job in creating a host of romantic suitors for the famous recluse, but I think his description of her relationship with her father takes the cake.

  8. the1stdaughter: Yeah, it's funny how they just happened to sort of go together in that respect. ^_^

    stilettostorytime: Interesting, isn't it? Giggle worthy by most standards. ^_^ Glad you're interested!

    Tribute Books: Ah yes...it was a random page choice of course, but it's funny it fell open to this selection. He does do a great job building his character despite the fact that he is present more in dialogue and thought than in body.
