Thursday, February 3, 2011

WAT!: Kindred Spirits by Sarah Strohmeyer

Hi there, insatiable readers!
How are you this fine morning?
Bookishly happy I presume and perhaps looking for an upcoming book to add to your wish list?  I thought as much.  ^_^  In that case, I simply must tell you about a teaser I read last week...because really....


The WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'.  It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect.  Have you run into this problem as well?  Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!
Now on to today's feature...
Sarah Strohmeyer
Scheduled for release June 2011, this book falls in the genre of Women's Fiction.  Now that's not to say a man wouldn't enjoy reading it (fellas what say you?), but it was made for female readers and all their girlfriends to delve into the spirit of friendship, life long connections, and reminiscing.  Can I also say what a great cover that is?  The colors are warm and inviting...and from what I've read so far in the teaser, that's got to be the group of friends we're going to get to know within the pages.
Curious what it's all about?  Here's my brief take...
Lynne is at the end of her time by circumstance as much as by choice.  The threads of life are pulling her away from all she holds dear slowly and surely but to cut the string early means to leave behind family, and friends.  She loves her family through and through, reflecting on that love through pictures on the mantle but friends like these only come around once in a lifetime too.  Lucky for her they are here to stay through the good times and those that try even the strongest of ties.  Lynne, Beth, Carol, and Mary Kay...the gals that make up the Ladies Society for the Conservation of Martinis complete with a myriad of memories to fondly hold dear.  What adventures they must have shared...what secrets they carry still.

Final thoughts...what a tease!
Lucky for me, it won't be a tease for long (hehe).  It seems that the author is on Twitter and I happened to catch a tweet, or rather a retweet, from Dutton Books regarding the upcoming title and TADA...the rest is history.  *watches mailbox*  --insert surprised face--  *It arrived!*  Very curious to discover what secrets they may have (as all good friends do) and share in the life and times of these fabulous ladies.

So what have you been teased with of late?
Our wish lists are tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Reminds me of that saying that you can pick your friends but not your family.

    I have to say that I don't share your liking of the cover though and think this alone would put men off.

  2. Petty Witter: Ah, yes. Certainly a true saying. As for the cover...I see your point but as it is intentioned as "women's fiction" I think it fit its billing rather well. To each their own. ^_^

  3. thanks! for sharing

  4. Love books about women's friendships, so will keep an eye out for your review!

  5. Tribute Books Mama: Thanks!

    Alexia561: Great! ^_^

  6. It looks so sweet and sisterly :) Great find!

  7. Okay, this is definitely going on my to-read list. I could totally see reviewing this at Chick Lit Reviews. Besides, it sounds fantastic! Thanks for mentioning it! :o)

    Me...too many books to name that I'm dying to read. hehe

  8. Juju: Yes, they sound very close just like sisters....

    the1stdaughter: Absolutely. ^_^

  9. Looks very interesting. Reading books like this make me wonder how good it'd feel like to have true best friends that will be there come good or bad. Surely is wonderful!
