Monday, February 28, 2011

We have a winner...or TWO!

Hi there!
Two contests ended this weekend here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers and it's time to announce the winners.  Did you enter?  You must be on the edge of your seat then.  Let's see if we can't make someone's day just a bit brighter.  There was a rather large number of entries on both of these contests, one totaled over 600 and the other close to 400 with extra entries I can only say thank you to on making the drawing process a little bit easier.  Drum roll please.....
The winner of the....

....$75 certificate.... 
#29 - Deb Anderson
....copy of Sherlock Holmes, the Legend Begins:  Death Cloud by Andrew Lane....
# 9 - Heidi @ YA Bibliophile

*and the crowd erupts with enthusiastic cheers*
Congratulations to both of you on the win!

Since they opted to include their mailing information, there won't be a need for me to vaguely promise to draw another name if I don't get a's a done deal.  Special thanks to Sean at for the opportunity to host this giveaway for you, my well as to Ksenia at Feiwel and Friends for the giveaway opportunity and review copy.  (THANKS!)

Now if you didn't win this time, no worries...there are still other contests currently running and more to come.  You can't win if you don't enter what are you waiting for?  Time's a wasting....
Until next time...happy reading!