Thursday, March 17, 2011


...St. Patrick's Day!

Did you remember to wear GREEN today?
Sure hope so...if not, watch out for pinchers!

...but that's not all...

HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY to Nancy Holder! stores now!

...and one more round of happiness to share...

It's time to announce a few winners!
Are you ready?
The winners of their very own copy of Possessions by Nancy Holder are...

#32 - Chelsea / Vampire Book Club
#7 - Kate / YzhaBella's BookShelf

*and the crowd erupts with enthusiastic cheers*

The winners have been contacted and since they opted to include their mailing information, I don't have to vaguely promise to draw another name if I don't get a response; it's a done deal.  Special thanks to Erin, Nancy's uber fabulous assistant and author Nancy Holder, YA author extraordinare, for the chance to share this title with you, my readers...and the chance to host this giveaway.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this book as well as her complete body of works, be sure to visit her website and follow along on Twitter
Now if you didn't win this time, no worries...there will be other contests up and running very soon.  Just remember, you can't win if you don't enter stay tuned.
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Happy St. Paddy's Day! I didn't wear green today, but I dressed my kids in green, so that should count =o)

  2. Happy St.Patricks day! I completely forgot but there is still day left for me to wear something green! I am also incredibly jealous that you're reading Wither, how is it? Amazing? :D

  3. Happy St Pats Day. I wore my green and we had green donuts at work. What a fabulous day :)

  4. Happy St Pat's Day! Ooooohhh, green donuts! I'm green with envy! *L*

  5. NotNessie: Hmm...well I suppose it could count.... *pinch* ^_^

    Lisa: Yes, there's still time (well not now as I type this but as of when you posted...hehe). Wither? Oh well, it's just....AWESOME! Loving it! Almost done in fact. ^_^

    Bella: donuts. Festive AND yummy! ^_^

    Alexia561: Me too. *passes napkin to catch drool* ^_^

  6. Congrats gals! And a belated Happy St.Patty's day to you! :o)
