Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Roving Reader

Awww, now this one looks too cute and...wait, is that a skunk hiding behind that clump of grass?  O_O

A Pet for Petunia
Paul Schmid

What caught your eye when out and about this weekend?
Do tell!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **


  1. Oh my! I've seen this one around and I absolutely adore it! I think my Littlebug would simply fall in love with Petunia and her skunk! :o)

  2. Juju: ^_^

    Melanie: Agreed!

    the1stdaughter: Absolutely...I can totally see her loving it. ^_^

  3. This looks adorable and so fun!
