Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taste Testing Tuesdays (72)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading
On the menu this week...one book that's finall ypicked up a little steam, another that is starting off with the right ingredients, and a third (...yes a third...) eBook YA readers will be curious to see.
Ready for a taste?
My sullen new friends had read so many books that I hadn’t and had already, by twenty-three years old, become fluent with so many terms, ideas, and words that I had never heard of.  And they could put sentences together in class using so many of them that I was sure if I tried to contribute to the discussion, it would be instantly discovered that I had been accepted by accident, that someone had messed up and put my application in the wrong pile.  In the world I had occupied before coming to this campus, I was the one with the words.
-- pg 96, Blood, Bones, and Butter by Gabrielle Hamilton (ARC)

This one was slow to draw my interest but it accomplished it about 30 pages or so ago now just after we learn about the author’s experience at a summer camp…and some wayward lobsters.  Curious to see where we go from here….

Myra got up and put her empty soda can in the garbage.  “I didn’t say she made puppy coats.  I said there were a lot of people who’d just as soon not have Yodel Watson around.” 
-- pg 11-12, Murder Takes the Cake by Gayle Trent (ARC)

Celebrating its book birthday today, I have to say….so far, so good!  I love Daphne’s character (the lead though she doesn’t appear in this quote since she’s being spoken to) as well as all the quirky neighbors as we’ve heard a handful described by Myra, her neighbor.  Should be one deliciously fun mystery….

Honestly, I didn't think he'd hang around there for Angelina Jolie's company; El Toro—the Torino Athletic Center—isn't the most romantic place in general, and right then? It was the kind of scene that made you glad some smartypants had invented deodorant...and made you realize that not everyone had bought into that concept. Or the whole “showering" idea. Ew.
-- pg 45, Hickey of the Beast by Isabel Kunkle (ARC)

This is the full eBook version of the new serial novel being introduced by Candlemark and Gleam this coming month.  A serial novel (for those of you that haven’t heard of the concept before …as I hadn’t either) is a book brought to you chapter by chapter on a weekly basis, much like in days gone by when mass distribution was more of an issue as to how fast and far the horse and cart could travel in a day’s time.  The new version sees us receiving a weekly bookish dose of goodness electronically…all the sooner to enjoy the reading adventure.  Oh and this one…loving it!  The character voice is right on for the age and the writing makes it feel like you’re having a conversation with a close friend.   


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.* 


Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Nice array! I love the 2nd one best :)

    Here is my TT :)

  2. I like the third teaser the best....love the tone! Plus, a serial novel? That's so cool! I believe that is how a few of Dickens' novels were published originally. I hope you are enjoying all of these books.

  3. Blood, Bones & Butter - an interesting title!
    I've been hearing good things Murder Takes the Cake. I haven't read many cozy mysteries, but I want to read this one.
    A serial novel? How interesting!

  4. I love the look of Murder Takes The Cake.

  5. Juju: Good deal! Off to check out your post...

    Christina: If you love the tone in that tease, you've GOT to check out the book. It stays true to what you see/read there.

    Misha: Agreed on the 1st. The 2nd I actually haven't heard much about, but good to know. The 3rd, yep...interesting AND good. ^_^

    Petty Witter: Agreed! Lovely colors and such a cute kitteh. ^_^

  6. @Christina - Yep, that's how Dickens published a LOT of his work, and it's why _The Mystery of Edwin Drood_ doesn't have an ending!

    I've been hearing a lot about Blood, Bones, and Butter, and I want to read that one...and oooh, a cozy that involves cake somehow? I may have to read that!

  7. NotNessie: LOL...I know, right? ~shudders~

    Kate @ Candlewick: Hey there...thanks for stopping in! Ooh...did not know that about DROOD. On the BONES book, it's got my attention and then it doesn't; final verdict soon. The cozy...it involves LOTS of cake. Pretty sure I'm gonna crave it while reading this one. ^_^

  8. Thanks for sharing. These books sound interesting, esp. the first one.

  9. Three really good bits. I have to say that the first one struck me the most.

  10. I'm loving your third teaser as well! It's such a fun book and I love the whole "serial" idea. I'm a huge fan of the original "War of the Worlds" and "The Count of Monte Cristo" which were all released in that way as well. Such a fun idea!

    Oh! And I'm so dying over your second choice! I love that kitty...and the cake. Definitely need to look into getting a copy!

  11. Marcie: A lot of folks are interested in that one.... ^_^

    carolsnotebook: You too? Huh...another fan of the first.

    The1stdaughter: See now that's what I'm talking about. you picked my faves out of the bunch as well. ^_^

  12. The Hicky of the Beast looks so funny. Hmm...I need to look into that.

  13. The Hicky of the Beast looks so funny. Hmm...I need to look into that.

  14. What great teaser! I LOVE the title of The Hickey of the Beast and the teaser is awesome! I do have to mention that my eyes are brimming green at Murder takes the Cake! The cover is awesome and I read Dead Pan a bit ago and really liked it. I want to read this one one of these days! I am seriously in the mood to do come cozy mystery reading!

  15. Liz: Definitely...I agree!

    Liz: Ditto! (LOL)

    April: Yes, really enjoying that one and the cover is funny but right on target. How? You'll see. Oh...you've read some of her other work? Do tell! This is my first one and so far, so good!
