Friday, April 1, 2011

Dessert: Your One Stop Fun Break Stop (17)...and a final note

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
It's Friday...FINALLY.  Oye has it been a week.  Really it has!  Hopefully yours has been better or at least less hectic.  Today's post we're keeping short and sweet.  Why?  That's for me to know and you to ponder curiously for the next few minutes.  Truth be told....I'm calling it quits.  That's right, no more blog for me.  The posts will remain up but the updates will cease.  I've had it.  This is the end.  Queue dramatic music...












Just kidding.

Happy April Fool's Day!

But really, like I said, it's been a week and that being said....time was not on my side today to post the review I was hoping to.  Not to worry, it'll happen...just not today.  Anywho...a quick reminder that your chance to win a copy of Horns by Joe Hill ends at midnight CST 04/03/ fooling there.  Don't miss your chance to win a copy of this creepily good read!

Today's "dessert" post illustrates just how crazy hectic it's been around here.  Perhaps you could help me with this little dilemma/question?

Suggestions?  Anyone?

(Picture is from my current year's "daily" calendar featurings all those little fuzzies that make us go....awwww....with a little caption fun.)

Have a great weekend everyone.
Happy reading!




  1. Perhaps they should be filed under F for "fuzzy."

    Happy April Fools Day!

  2. Happy April Fools Day!

  3. Ahhh meany pants! I was so ready to write you to see why and if you were ok ;)

    You totally had me!

    But I forgive ya ;)

  4. Filed under "must have's!" Adorable!!!! :)

    I didn't believe you for a second, but maybe that's because I saw another blogger do a "I'm quitting" post today and I know you wouldn't quit. We won't let you!

  5. NotNessie: Good call! ^_^

    carolsnotebook: To you as well.

    Juju: LOL..thanks for the concern Juju! Nope, just a post all in good fun. ^_^

    Bella: Ooh..didn't think about that file header. Aw,shucks. My ploy failed (darn other posts that copied me...okay so they probably thought they were being original too)...glad to know I'm "needed". ^_^

  6. Happy April Fool's Day! You should file them under "C" for cutie-pies! They are adorable!

  7. Lol You got me! I believed it!

    I agree with Sara - "C" for cutie-pies is appropriate. They are just adorable!

  8. You are too much! LOL I knew you'd never give all of us up! ;o)

    I totally feel yah on the overwhelming bit, it's got to be this time of year or something. Things just keep piling up, not just on the blog, but in life too. It's crazy!

    {{HUGS}} Have a fabulous weekend and hopefully relax a little with a fabulous book!
