Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Planting the Wild Garden by Kathryn O. Galbraith

Why hello there insatiable readers!

How are you today?
Off to a late start but worries, we'll get back on track.
Anywho, enough about my schedule, let's get down to the books!

Last week we celebrated Earth WEEK full force with some of the great talents from Peachtree Publishers.  There was one particular title from the five being featured that I was lucky enough to read as well and while a review was not in the cards then, there's no time like the present.  After all, Earth day/week celebrations are really not restricted to a particular time frame...they carry a message that should be celebrated every day to help keep our planet in its prime. 

So with that in mind, I offer you today's review.  The book of choice for today is....

illustrated by

A simple story at its heart, but filled with the beauty of Nature, this is one book that teaches as well as entertains.  What does it teach?  Oh where to begin.  At face value, the life cycle of a seed is what greets us first.  We explore the various means by which a seed can be transported and distributed in order to continue the natural order of things.  From a gentle push from the wind to the washing effects of the rain, even the tag-a-long effect created from woodland creatures, all of these options and more come to life with each turn of the page. 

Richly illustrated pictures in earthy tones combine with the detailed (but not overly done) descriptions of each action filled scene to produce an effect one can almost hear unfolding right in front of you.  How so?  Why thanks to the insertion of such simple words as CHOMP or whimsical ways.  You see, they added a visual effect to these actions/sounds that not only places an emphasis on them but invites the reader (well, in my mind at least) to add a little something to those portions when reading them.  I can imagine reading this book to a group of youngsters and this would definitely have me wanting to act out those portions with either grand hand gestures or dramatic sounds....or something.  Really was a nice touch.  Anywho, back to those lessons....

Beyond the seed's life cycle, we also discover how all living things work together hand in hand in paw in raindrop to help keep our planet's natural beauty in tact.  Where could that lesson take you?  OH so many places.  You may suddenly have the urge to create a garden of your own, help tend to the plants and trees in your local park, or even simply pick up one of those white puffy flowers (you know the ones) and give the little seeds a push out into the great big world with a simple blow.  The fact of the matter is it may inspire you and yours to give Mother Nature a hand from time to time and in my book, that's good for one and all.

Recommended for readers of all ages.  The lessons shared are applicable to children and adults and the beautiful way through which they are shared both in narrative and illustrated forms is something to behold.  This book was released earlier this month so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Review copy received courtesy of Peachtree Publishers.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this book as well as their complete catalog just waiting to be explored, be sure to visit their site, blog, or follow along on Twitter.  To learn a bit more about author Kathryn O. Galbraith and her insatiable reading habits, be sure to check out last week's guest post right here at SFIR.  Illustrator Wendy Anderson Halperin also granted us a look into the beauty and inspiration she finds in nature with a guest post of her own which you can find right here. 

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Sounds like a delightful book! What a great way to make children appreciate and respect nature more :)

  2. It's great when an author and illustrator can make science fun to learn. A book that can be equally enjoyable to children and their parents is an added perk.

  3. Misha: Exactly! Couldn't agree more. ^_^

  4. Most people forget the beauty behind thing and in life lessons. I swear some children books should be mandatory for adults.

  5. Such a beautiful review and book! We have this one and the kiddos have been thoroughly enjoying it. I think it's also perfect being that Spring/Summer are upon us.

    Fantastic review! :o)
