Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Roving Reader

Love the colors on this one and the picture makes me curious....take a close look at the one girl's image.  Also....this was previously published as Dear Anju...and had a simple but striking cover as I recall with a bright pink background and a typewriter holding a letter only just begun.  Can't help but wonder why such a dramatic change between hardback and paperback release?  Either way though, the story sounds interesting. What say you?

What caught your eye when out and about? Do tell!


  1. Do you know I was so caught up in the lights that I had to look several times before I saw the red-haired girl on the cover, it took me a third glance to notice the other girl on her left.

  2. Love the cover! The colors are beautiful. Like Tracy, I almost didn't notice the girl on the left.

  3. Actually, the title caught my attention. I love a well-told friendship story, and that looks to be the focus of this book. I'll be looking out for more info on this one!


  4. So pretty.
    Fine choice.
    Makes me crave a trip to the fair.
