Monday, October 31, 2011

In My Shopping Bag

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Got your wish list ready?
The Fourth Stall, Part II by Chris Rylander
(ARC courtesy of Kellie at Walden Pond Press)
Can we just say that this is totally going to make me the popular kid on our block?  Yep, sure will!  Book 1 went over well, can't wait to see what's in store for us in book 2.  From the cover?  Looks like Mac means business!  Look for this title to hit store shelves everywhere this February 2012.

Cold Cereal by Adam Rex
(ARC courtesy of Balzer + Bray, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers)
This arrived as a total surprise but can I just sounds like fun!  Seriously, the lead character's name is Scottish Play Doe.  The first line on the back cover....A magically delicious new trilogy ... how can resist?!  This title hits store shelves February 2012.

Kevin's Point of View by Del Shannon
(Review copy courtesy of the author)
Ironically I had just learned of this title from my good blogging friend (Nayuleska) and BAM, the author got in touch with me for a review.  Sounds like it will be an interesting read to say the least and it never hurts when you have a recommendation from a friend as well.

Never Give Up byRuthe Rosen
(Review copy courtesy of Babs at PR By the Book)
This is the book that one of YOU lucky readers had the chance to win this past week.  Seeing as the contest ended yesterday, watch your email!  The winner will be announced very soon.  As for me, I'm preparing for this one by buuying an extra box of tissues.  It sounds very moving and full of hope.

Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire
(Review copy courtesy of HarperCollins Publishers)
This was another BIG surprise.  I mean really, I had NO IDEA it was coming!  Needless to say, I'm thankful indeed and though I have yet to read the prior books in the series, it seems this one contains a bit of a summarization of them to catch readers back up to speed.  Yes, I did peek inside...hehe.  Will be tackling soon so stay the mean time I believe it's actually about to hit store shelves so for faithful fans of the series, take note!

Tomorrow's Guardian by Richard Denning
(Review copy courtesy of the author)
Time travel and "walkers" had me thinking of JUMPER right off the bat, but it seems this one has a bit of a twist to it what with events actually being able to be changed when he travels...for better or worse.  Sounds intriguing, no?

Trick or Treat on Monster Street by Danny Schnitzlein
(Review copy courtesy of Emily at Peachtree Publishers)
When the call went out to see if anyone was interested in a Halloween title or two, I jumped at the chance to share this one with you.  Watch for the review coming later today as our featured "spooky" title of the day!



One of my birthday presents....a vanity tag for the front of my car!
Of course it HAD to say...BOOKISH!  ^_^
Funny thing coworkers saw it last night, or rather two of them did.  One was all...that's so cute!  I love it!  The other....umm, what does that mean?  O-O  *shakes head*

SIGNED "Damned" Book Tour promo poster
Yep, that's right!  One of the lovely goodies obtained for participating in the blog tour last month.  SO much fun both to read, share, and the work with this group.  If you haven't checked out the works of author's Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie, I highly recommend it (and of course the site of their illustrious assistant Erin!).

That's all for this week.
Anything catch your eye?
Have a "new to me" title you HAVE to share?
Do tell!

The comments are open.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Juju: Hehe...I thought so too. ^_^

  2. Cold Cereal sounds like a fun read, and the cover of Kevin's Point of View is too cute!

    I was surprised by a copy of Out Of Oz too, so glad that you took a peek and saw that there was a summarization so we don't have to read the other three!

    Love the vanity plate!

  3. Alexia561: I know, right? (<--that applies on all counts ^_^) Yay for books!
