Friday, November 18, 2011

You are cordially invited... have a happy (Breaking Dawn) Friday!

Hi everyone!
So, it's Friday. Congratulations on making it through another week of this crazy-ily fast year.  Here's hoping it was kind to you and that the weekend holds nothing but blue skies (I blame that reference on seeing MY LIFE IN RUINS on TV one too many times this week...which by the way is a great movie ^_^).  Anywho...

I've given you a few bookish titles to check out this week review wise so I thought I'd break away from the norm (slightly) and briefly discuss another bit of news happening today.  If you haven't heard or seen it yet (midnight release baby....oh yeah!), BREAKING DAWN PART 1 hits theaters today.  Woo-hoo!

Now anytime a book is taken to the big screen it can be a source of worry. Will they get the details right, choose the right cast, emote the written feelings, etcetera etcetera....and with this series it was no different.  Though I like most others was skeptical in the beginning about some of their picks and acting abilities, I gotta hand it to them, with each film they've gotten better and better.  This one? Pretty much right on target.  The settings were beautiful, the clothes fabulous, the personal connections all we could have hoped for.  (^_^) Even where they decided to "break" the film was well as the surprise right after the first batch of credits (take not rush out of the theater!).  Yes, my friends....this Twihard was satisfied with the results and is thirsty for part 2 (when is that releasing again?).

Now I give you the floor, so to speak. Are you planning to see it? If you have already, what did you think? (Try to stay spoiler free for those that haven't seen/read it yet though...okay? )

Until next time....happy (watching &) reading!



  1. i am planning to see it but not on opening weekend. i will go on some random tuesday afternoon.

  2. I agree! I also liked the little musical touches - like having the song from the prom incorporated into the wedding scene, etc tying all of the movies together.
