Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A BLOG TOUR to Howl About: Wolf Springs Chronicles: Unleashed

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place to be when the only thing to satisfy your hunger is a great read.  Speaking of great reads which inevitably are written by great authors, today's post should be doubly satisfying.  Why?  Well, if you must ask, for the simple fact that we are hosting a blog tour courtesy of Lauren at Random House Children's Books (THANKS!) for that infamous Young Adult genre writing duo ... Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie! 

That's right.  The ladies with magical pens and oh-so-much-to-say are back and celebrating their latest release....Wolf Springs Chronicles:  Unleashed. Sounds good, right?  I think so....and based on what I've read so far, I stand by my first assessment.  Anywho, today is the first of two stop overs that they have granted me during this tour.  Next week, you'll get to read all about my adventure between the pages, but is something else altogether. 

Today, I am featuring a guest post from these fine ladies and as I trust their judgement in creating something unique just for you, I gave them free reign to choose a topic of their liking.  The results?  A brief but wonderful post all about how they manage to capture the magic of youth in their writing despite the passing years and the positive messages they aim to deliver with this latest publication.....who could ask for more?  So without further adieu, allow me to present the work of Ms. Nancy Holder and Ms. Debbie Viguie!  Take it away ladies.....


Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie
Authors of Wolf Springs Chronicles:  Unleashed...among other works....

Nancy Holder

A lot of people ask us how we write for teens and tell us we do a good job of capturing what it’s like to be a teen. It’s because neither of us has ever truly grown up. We love Disney, we love movies and books targeted at teens, and we are incredibly young at heart. Recently, when Debbie was spending time with a friend’s seven-year-old daughter, the little girl asked Debbie’s husband if Debbie was a kid or an adult because she couldn’t tell. This is one of the greatest compliments a writer of children or young adult fiction could ever receive.

Nancy has a teenage daughter who helps her stay current on all the trends and reminds her every day of her own experiences as a teen. Debbie mentally thinks of herself as a seventeen-year-old and is always somewhat surprised when people treat her like an adult. This ability to stay in touch with our youth with all of its passion, angst, optimism, and energy keep us young and writing books for people who are the age we feel.

Debbie Viguie
Of course, there are a ton of adults out there who can certainly relate to the young adult stories we write. Maybe that’s because no matter how old we get, we still want to feel the passion and innocence and believe in having endless possibilities before us, as we did in our youth. Or maybe it’s because young adult books are often frank and refreshingly honest about situations and people.

With Unleashed we hope that we can reach young adults and touch them and show them that no matter what they’re going through that: a) they are never truly alone, b) someone else always has it worse, and c) even in the darkest night there’s hope. And maybe that’s what it comes right down to, because for most young adult novels, and certainly the ones we write, no matter how desperate or hard or terrifying the situation the characters are going through, there’s always hope. And it is our desire that everyone, young or old, always continues to believe and to seek that hope, no matter how hard life gets.  
Wow...sounds like me, if you minus out the daughter and the husband.  Yes, I too am proud to hang on to my childlike wonder and enthusiasm for reading.  It lends the mind the creativity it needs to really appreciate all the new worlds just waiting for you between the pages of your next read...and I can only imagine (as we can see from these two authors) the power it lends in the actual creation of such works.
This book is the first in a new YA series, so don't miss out on how it all begins.  Unleashed reached publication on November 22nd, 2011 from Random House Children's Books and should be readily available on a bookstore shelf near you.  For more information on this title as well as their full catalog, feel free to visit them online, or follow along on Twitter.  To discover more of this literary world, check out the official series site.  To see just what other worlds were created by both Ms. Holder and Ms. Viguie, feel free to search right here on Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers (as they've been guests previously and I've done a review or two), explore their websites (1, 2), or follow their Twitter feeds (1, 2).
Be sure to check out the rest of the tour as it winds its way through the blogosphere.  Yesterday, a mini-interview was hosted by The Compulsive Reader.  Next stop on the tour....Literary Escapism.  Also, if you happen to be in the San Diego, CA area...Ms. Holder will be appearing at the Mysterious Galaxy for a book signing!  More details can be found at the bottom of the tour page
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Thanks for having us and for that fantastic introduction!

  2. I want to read this..thanks for the is going to be added to my TBR list

  3. Debbie Viguie: My pleasure. Thanks for stopping by! ^_^

    Cricket: Fantastic! Can't wait to see what you think! ^_^
