Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Pirate and the Penguin by Patricia Storms

Why hello there!

Having a bookishly good day so far?
Fantastic!  Glad to hear it.  Hope it continues and then some!
Why all the well wishes?  Simple!  This is Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers….the place to let your bookish self run free and simply be…YOU.  Speaking of you….today’s featured title plays rather nicely with that theme of “you”-ness and stars a unique cast of characters you’ll simply be bowled over by.  Don’t believe me?  Time for me to prove you wrong…all in good fun of course.  ^_^  Today’s book of choice is….


Penguin is TIRED of the boring old (and cold!) South Pole; so much so he spends his time not frolicking with his fellow penguins and penguin-ettes, but…knitting.  The result is his adorable (and warm!) green sweater and his wardrobe staple throughout the book.  He longs for adventure and warm sunny days somewhere far, far away from his ice crusted home, but the how and where were all up in the air.  Meanwhile, somewhere across the stormy seas…

Pirate is an itchy twitchy little fella (funny using that term for a pirate but it fits no less) who has more adventures than he can stomach, after all he IS a pirate even if he’s not of the “Black Beard” variety.  His high-jinks are legendary as are the itch fits and sweaty bouts he suffers from…a vacation to a more relaxing state of mind (or location)  would be grand but the ability to do so eludes him, after all he has a pirate ship and crew to maintain!  Wouldn’t it be marvelous if these two could meet?  Oh wait…*looks through spyglass* …it looks like fate is adjusting its course and turning due North for a family friendly adventure these two (and YOU) won’t soon forget…

As it is a storybook in length and plotline, I’ll spare you the details because otherwise there’s no surprise and we all LOVE surprises now don’t we?  Suffice it to say that a little “freaky Friday” action occurs and it just might be what the doctor ordered for this odd (yet adorable) little pair.  I have to say it, I love Penguin and his outgoing personality amongst all the “suits” in his home (get it?  Suits?  Penguins?  *hehe*)….by the same token, I love Pirate for being the quirky little guy he is and despite his differences from his companions, still trying to grin and “arrr” it.  The underlying message….being true to oneself is the best (perhaps the only?) way to be truly happy and find your version of peace in this world….a reminder that most of us could use from time to time. 

Now, a step back to the whimsical….let’s talk art work because really, as much story as this one has…it’s still about the illustrations.  From just inside the front cover to just inside the back (and of course the actually cover and back of the book), we are treated to the fun (and funny) filled illustrations of Ms. Storms.  We see what Penguin really thinks of the South Pole with a map listing “Yawny Yogaland” and “Chilly Cove”, whilst on the Pirate side of things we see places like “Sticky Sweaty Island” and “Drives-Me-Coconuts Island”….but the fun doesn’t stop there.  Once inside, we are greeted with a pleasing palette of colors adding to the peace or vibrancy (depending on what’s called for) of any given scene, truly working in harmony with the story.

In summary, whether seeking calm and comforting waters or a pirate’s life for thee, readers young and old will delight in this charming tale of what it really takes to show this world what for….the real you.  Don’t be afraid to let your true self shine through for it is in those most revealing moments that we are at our finest.

Review copy courtesy of Kendal at Owl Kids.  (THANKS!)  For more information about this title as well as their entire catalog, feel free to visit them online or follow along on Twitter.  To find out what the author/illustrator is up to now, check out her official website.  This book is on sale now and should be available through your favorite bookseller should the desire to read it seize you and never let go much like Jack and Rose on the Titanic…without the epic sadness, of course. 

Until next time….happy reading!


  1. Loving the cover of this one, thanks for another great review.

  2. This looks like a great read for kids...and adults. :)
    Love the cover! Thanks for the great review.


  3. Petty Witter: My pleasure! ^_^

    Melanie: Agreed...and it seems the cover is a hit all around!

  4. Without a doubt, this is the BEST review I've read so far of my book. What a wonderful early Christmas present! Thank you from the bottom of my flippers!

    By the way, I just thought I'd mention that from time to time my husband and I actually perform a play based on my book, for schools and various literary events. Here are some photos from our most recent performance. My husband makes the BEST pirate!


  5. patricia: Thank you so much Ms. Storms for both your kind words AND the link! That performance must be a hoot to see in person. Love how you guys really get into character. ^_^ Happy holidays!

  6. Sweet and fun cover and story! Somehow I really like the detail about the green sweater ...
