Thursday, December 1, 2011

READ ALL ABOUT IT: "So, You Want to Write a Memoir" BookTrib Event

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...informational type post comes to us courtesy of Tracey at Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc (Thanks!) and concerns an upcoming author-ly event you may want to check out.

Here's the scoop....

Details,'s all in the details, and here they are!

Live-chat with author, memoirist, and digital publisher Tessa Smith McGovern.
If you’ve ever written a blog, updated a Facebook status, tweeted your thoughts or texted a message you are part of the latest trends that have transformed writing through social media. The move from email to blogs to Facebook is ever evolving but one thing has remained constant: the need to tell our personal stories.

Award-winning author and founder of eChook Digital Publishing Tessa Smith McGovern will be chatting about what it takes to write and publish a short memoir, live on BookTrib 12/7 at 3 p.m. ET. Tessa will be here ready to answer all of your questions and discuss her three essential memoir-writing tips. Whether you’re a seasoned writer, occasional journaler, or if you’ve never thought you could write something before, stop by, ask a question, and be entered to win lovely eChook prizes.  Tessa says: “Writing short memoir is often the best way to produce a strong piece of writing, and one of the easiest forms to get published.”


When: Wednesday, December 7 @ 3pm E.T.

Mark your calendars!

Until next time...happy reading!

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