Monday, December 19, 2011

READ ALL ABOUT IT: The Twelve Days of Christmas hosted by There's A Book

Hi there everyone!
With the end of the year fast approaching, it's crunch time...meaning that you may be in for an extra special treat of extra posts now and again on the site.  That shouldn't be too bad, now should it?  ^_^

Today, you've already sampled my shopping bag from this past it's time to READ ALL ABOUT IT!  What you may ask?  Why the....

...12 Days of Christmas event hosted by none other than "the1stdaughter" aka Danielle of There's A Book!  Danielle is one of my best-est blogging buddies and friends despite the miles between us (yep, never even met in person...gotta love the internet for the ease of connections though!) and she is hosting a fabulous series of posts featuring a few of her favorite bloggers talking up their favorite holiday reads.  How sweet!  Guess who happens to be featured today?  Yep, me!  *blush*  I was very honored when asked to participate and may have gotten a little wordy with my post but hey, that's just how I roll...LOL.  ^_^

So, if you would please...once you're done scoping out all there is to see here at my site, pop on over to There's A Book and pay a visit to Danielle.  Trust me, you won't be sorry. 

Until next time...happy reading!

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