Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Love: The good, the bad, and the prickly....

Hi there, everyone!

Welcome to the late night edition of your favorite bookishly delicious site....Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers. (...or at least one of your favorites I hope...^_^)

Today's post almost didn't happen as time was anything but on my side, however I had just read an adorable new arrival to the store earlier this week and thought...why not?  I mean I was gonna save it for Valentine's Day but as they say, any time is a good time to share the love. Without further adieu, today's book if choice is....

Kara LaReau
Pictures by
Scott Magoon

The first thing I thought was ....oh look, we're already getting our Valentine stock in...O-O....which is good yes but still felt a smudge rushed. In second glance, the title made me smile and the artwork produced a giggle. Yes my friends, I was taken in by the story of this little porcupine who simply wanted to belong, held fast by the barbs thrown his way by those "cutesy" animals of the forest, and reminded of the simple pleasure it can be to "be alone, together". 

It's true what they say; any situation is ten times easier to handle when you have someone to share it with. Be it a night on the town, a trip to the movies, or simply vegging at home reading books and staying up til dawn. Alone time is nice, but too much of a good thing is still too much. Mr. Prickles knew this first hand and experienced the awful side affects of envy (a feeling that isn't often covered in children's books), which had the potential to turn his heart cold. Thank goodness for Miss Pointypants! (Yes, that's the female porcupine's name...too cute, right?) She comes along in the nick of time and together they discover that there's another road worth taking that's much more enjoyable in the end; a road that leads to self appreciation, understanding and

The artwork though dark in color scheme works well to illustrate the feelings circulating throughout the story. Their striking nature reflects Mr Prickles predicament while illuminating the "ugly" side of life exposed by the cutesy woodland dwellers.  Bet you won't look at a squirrel or racoon the same way least not if they're in the company of a porcupine.

In short, a book for all ages perfect for the upcoming season of love or anytime of year for that matter. It tackles the ugly feelings both caused and felt in our lives with tact and understanding, allowing the message of "you are not alone" to shine through.  There is someone for everyone out there and if Mr Prickles is any example to be followed, the right one will stick with you for all the right reasons....even if you're covered in glue.

This book was published by Roaring Brook Press.  Be sure to watch for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time ...happy reading!


  1. First off, AWWW! That cover is adorable all by itself. Secondly this sounds like something my kindergartners would totally love! You're so right when you say that jealousy isn't often tackled in kid's books. I sense I shall have to get a copy of this stat :).

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sounds good but would have been better if it were about a hedgehog - I would say that though given that hedgehogs are my favourite creature.

  3. Jessica Torres: I know, right? Definite awwww. ^_^ Thanks for the kind words!

    Petty Witter: and a coworker of mine would totally agree. He actually has a hedgehog... ^_^
