Thursday, January 26, 2012

WAT!: The Bro-Magnet by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when you simply need a bookish break in your day and nothing more; well, almost nothing.  ^_^  We've done a review or two so far this week, and introduced you to a new work from an author dedicated to helping children be the best that they can be (with contest!), so today, we're taking a mini-break and re-introducing a MEME of my own creation that doesn't get to see the fair light of a bloggy day all that often to present you with a recent release because really....


The WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'.  It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect.  Have you run into this problem as well?  Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!
Now on to today's feature...

The Bro-Magnet
Lauren Baratz-Logsted


From the author....
Women have been known to lament, "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride." For Johnny Smith, the problem is, "Always a Best Man, never a groom." At age 33, housepainter Johnny has been Best Man eight times. The ultimate man's man, Johnny loves the Mets, the Jets, his weekly poker game, and the hula girl lamp that hangs over his basement pool table. Johnny has the instant affection of nearly every man he meets, but one thing he doesn't have is a woman to share his life with, and he wants that desperately. When Johnny meets District Attorney Helen Troy, he decides to renounce his bro-magnet ways in order to impress her. With the aid and advice of his friends and family, soon he's transforming his wardrobe, buying throw pillows, ditching the hula girl lamp, getting a cat and even changing his name to the more mature-sounding John. And through it all, he's pretending to have no interest in sports, which Helen claims to abhor. As things heat up with Helen, the questions arise: Will Johnny finally get the girl? And, if he's successful in that pursuit, who will he be now that he's no longer really himself? THE BRO-MAGNET is a rollicking comedic novel about what one man is willing to give up for the sake of love.


Odd choice for a female reader?
Not really.
Consider it the male equivalent to a beloved chick-lit/chick flick favorite, Bridget Jones Diary.  After reading the sample (30+ pages!), the first thought that popped into my head, so THIS is what happened to Bridget Jones' brother...if she had one!  No really!  It's as coarse and as brash as the works mentioned; full of that down trodden and yet persevering spirit we love.  It's the other side of the proverbial coin in the world of relationships or lack thereof....and an interesting perspective to view things through (did I mention funny?  Yep...definitely funny!).

Final thoughts...what a tease!
Will it make it into my reading rotation?  Only time will tell....but if the preview is any indication, this should certainly be one to watch for.  Curious to find out more?  Check out the extended sample on Amazon...but be warned teeny readers, I'm recommending this one for older teens through adults only.

For more information on the author, be sure to check out her website, 'like' her on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter!
So...questions?  Comments?  Thoughts?
Is there something YOU'VE been teased with as of late?
Feel free to share any and all...
*grabs wish list and pen*

Until next time....happy reading!



  1. Sorry but you do realise I'm going to spend the rest of my evening trying to figure out what the male version of chick lit is.

  2. Interesting. Bridget Jones's brother, lol. I'd probably watch that. ;)

  3. Petty Witter: Muhawahahaha! ^_^

    Dorothy Dreyer: Yeah...reads just like it.

  4. Oooooh, I'm intrigued! About time someone came up with a male version of chick lit!
