Thursday, March 29, 2012

WAT!: Socialpunk by Monica Leonelle

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the site that aims to feed your need to read every day of the week.  Today, I was going to go the easy route with a Roving Reader post but then I made the mistake (however fortunate) of reading my email and TADA....a need for this post was born.  How so?  Well, you see there's this new YA book out this week that I JUST learned about that many of YOU just might be curious to find out more that also happens to be going on tour in April. But I'm getting ahead of myself...allow me to introduce you to my bookish find because really....


The WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'.  It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect.  Have you run into this problem as well?  Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!
Now on to today's feature...

Monica Leonelle

After playing God for six years with the world he created, he couldn’t control any of his subjects, none at all. Over the years, he had watched them evolve and become the sum of their own choices rather than the sum of his; and for that, he regretted ever giving them life....

Read the full excerpt here....
Sounds dark and creepy, right?  Well, sorta.  Curious is more how I would describe it.  If one continues to read the excerpt, which I of course did, you discover that his experiment is about to have the plug pulled on it, ending all the work he's done....and all the lives he's created, for better or worse.  There's one person yet to be added to the mix that comes as a shocker (yes, I know...a shock even at this early stage in the game but it's pretty interesting!) and should definitely add some moral dilemmas if not hope to escape the end that seems to be intent on wiping them out....

Final thoughts...what a tease!
The novel is labeled as YA cyberpunk....a sub genre I'm not certain I've actually read before, but this one may change all that....and suggested for fans of Ender's Game, Neuromancer, and The Hunger Games....
Have I read any of those?  Nope....not even the last one and still somehow this one is sticking with me.  Go figure.  Adding to the wish list for now but be sure to stay tuned to the blogosphere for more news on the upcoming tour!  There's LOTS of fun to be me...I've read all about it.  ^_^
In the mean time, feel free to check out the rest of the prologue excerpt via the author's site
Special thanks to author Monica Leonelle for the heads up on this book.  (THANKS!)  For more information about the author and this new trilogy (yep, this is the first of three!), feel free to check out her website, stay up to date on GoodReads or pick up a copy of your own over on Amazon or through your other retail outlet of choice. 
So...questions?  Comments?  Thoughts?
Is there something YOU'VE been teased with as of late?
Feel free to share any and all...
*grabs wish list and pen*

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Ooh, great excerpt! That would definitely make me want to read on. Thanks for the tease. ;)

  2. THANKS for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my post about THE RELUCTANT MARQUESS.


    Silver's Reviews

  3. Oh in a world he's created, he can't control them any more. Sounds like a great read! :D THank you for the teaser.

  4. Great excerpt and feature! I'd actually been emailed about this one not too long ago, but I haven't had the time to add it to my schedule. Still, I typically like cyberpunk...lots of fun reading. I hope you enjoy this one, it sounds great! :o)

  5. Dorothy Dreyer: Yeah, there's more where that came from but I didn't want to spoil it... ^_^

    Elizabeth: My pleasure!

    Melissa: I know, right?

    The1stdaughter: It's a small bloggy world after all... ^_^
