Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In My Shopping Bag

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)

This post is usually seen on a Sunday or Monday, but it's been one of those "day late and a dollar shy" sorta weeks so TADA!  It now gets a spot in the sun on a Tuesday.  Hey, I'm in too good a mood today to let a posting date bring me down...call it lack of sleep or positive thinking but it's working, so I'm going with it. 

Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag from the past so many odd days/weeks....



All These Things I've Done
Because It Is My Blood
by Gabrielle Zevin
(Finished PB of book 1, ARC of book 2 courtesy of Ksenia at MacMillan Children's Publishing)
This package was a TOTAL surprise!  I had reviewed the first book when it was released (last year I believe....my review is on the site) and had just read about book 2 releasing September 2012 in the Fall/Winter catalog.  When the gold package (nice touch) showed up with a sticker asking "Who is Anya Balanchine?"...I KNEW who she was and am excited to find out more!


The Goddess Test
Goddess Interrupted
by Aimee Carter
(The first book, I checked out from work...the second ARC arrived courtesy of Karen at Media Masters Publicity)
I was curious about this series previously because honestly...I'm a sucker for font and color and both were a perfect match on this one.  When the offer to check out book two came around, I knew I had to break down, grab a copy of the first...and devour it quickly.  Since getting my hands on these, they've quickly fallen into the "read" category....review (and more!) coming VERY SOON.....

I Was in Love with a Short Man Once...and Other Tales From a Crazy Southern Irish Gal by Kimberly J. Dalferes
(Review copy courtesy of the author)
If the picture doesn't get you, the title HAS to.  I mean how can you read that and NOT be curious about what's inside?  I know I couldn't...and after a sample excerpt from the author's site, I was hooked.  This one has a bit of a wait on the old TBR pile but when it surfaces later this year, I'll be more than ready.  ^_^

The Obsidian Pebble by R.A. Jones
The Nose Knows by Holly L. Lewitas
(review copies courtesy of the authors and Paula at Author Marketing Experts)
The first is book one in a Young Adult/Children's series...bonus points on the cover there...about a boy, a haunted house, and a world of danger and mystery; right up my alley.  The second is a mystery starring, you'll never guess...a mystery solving canine!  Yup...no way I could pass that one up either. 

Seal Team Six Outcasts by Howard E. Wasdin and Stephen Templin
(review copy courtesy of Ayelet at Gallery Books)
I know what you're thinking...this has GOT to be a mistyped title or misplaced picture....but no, it's accurate.  Though it's outside my usual reading box, the excerpt made me curious enough to want to read more and while the technical details on the weapons and such fall a bit on deaf ears (sorry, a gun is a gun is a gun to me...now my Dad is enjoying the heck out of all that), the story is still engaging me fully.  This book is set to release May 29th, 2012.  Wanna try a sample now?  Check out the chapter one excerpt by clicking HERE!  Also, stay tuned for more on this title coming VERY SOON...
....emphasis on the VERY....


A Once Crowded Sky by Tom King
(ARC HB courtesy of Touchstone / Simon and Schuster)
Again, a different choice for me, but sometimes it's good to take a chance on something different, you know>?  This one sounded curious to me so, I'm giving it a shot.  *fingers crossed*  Scheduled release date is July 10th, 2012.



Prize pack from Chronicle Kids....
Aoki book
Yumi book
Kimonos book
Kokeshi notecards
Aoki journal
Chronicle Books bookmark

...too cool, right?  The images are adorable and the set up of each is gorgeous...and to think I won it all from simply sharing my experiences with the Cherry Blossom festivals from my youth.  A lovely chance to remember and a WONDERFUL prize pack.  Thanks guys!



43 Old Cemetary Road, book 1: Dying the Meet You by Kate Klise
Nathaniel Fludd Beastologist, book 1: Flight of the Phoenix by R.L. Lafevers
The Witches by Roald Dahl
The first is a series I love and shared with a fellow book lover that won the Children's Book Week Giveaway Hop.  The second is ANOTHER series I LOVE and happen to own a copy of in paperback....but I spotted this hardback beauty in store and HAD to buy it.  The third...well, I remember the movie from when I was little and not having known for the longest time it was based on this work, I thought it high time that I check it out.


That's it for this post.
So, anything catch you eye?
Which titles are you feverishly adding to your wish list?
Any you've taken ownership of recently you'd like to share?
I'm all ears...feel free to share in the comments below!

Until next time...which is coming VERY SOON....happy reading....


  1. Wow you got some amazing books. I am hoping to meet Gabrielle and Aimee at BEA (fingers crossed) There books are so good.

    Enjoy them

  2. I'm so envious of your Chronicle Kids prize pack. That's awesome.

    I really need to try All These Things I've Done. I'm loooving the new cover.

  3. I just got A Once Crowded Sky, too! Also not my normal type of read, but it looks quirky and fun. I was surprised at how nice the ARC edition is; I've never gotten a hardcover one before. Happy reading!

  4. Cindy Smith: Wow, that WOULD be awesome. *fingers crossed on your behalf* ^_^

    Juju: It's really lovely in person too! Yes, Anya's story is certainly unique.....

    SusieBookworm: Awesome! *high five* Yes, I was surprised as well that it was a HB. Nice touch!
