Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dancing Queens

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers ...the place that takes its love of books seriously, but only just.

Today, we're cutting right to the chase and diving into the review because....well because I have the weekend off and plan on enjoying every minute both online AND off.  Today's book takes us back to fairy tales of old with a new look for a new generation... while keeping the integrity of the original tale.  Ready for today's book of choice? Here we go! Today's book of choice is...

re told and illustrated by
Brigette Barrager

The cover image above doesn't even begin to do it justice....really! With every turn of the page the tale unfolds with a picture even more beautiful than the last.  You'll be charmed by the young princesses as they indulge in their unknown nightly festivities with zest and vigor whilst during the day, they drag their feet too tired to even show any effort.  You'll swoon as the young royal shoemaker explores the reasons behind the young ladies sudden shoe abuse and reveals such a courageous and noble heart...even the king makes recognition.  You'll be amazed at the underground world the ladies swirl and twirl through,unseen by their sleeping eyes. 

For those who've never read the original story to those who are conesseurs of the fairytale world, this is one edition I'd certainly recommend adding to your collection.  Young readers will not doubt enjoy the story as they pick their favorite princess to follow throughout (mine would be Poppy and Bluebell as I adore their dress colors!), while older readers will marvel at the extensive color pallette explored in this rendition; a true masterpiece through and through.

Review copy courtesy of Chronicle Books. (THANKS!) For more information on this title as well as their complete catalog, find them online at or follow along on Twitter ( This title was released last year and should be readily available at a bookstore near you.

Until next time... happy reading!


  1. This is one fairy tale where i haven't read the original. Now I want to read both versions! Thanks for sharing this :)

  2. The cover is beautiful! I love a good fairy tale, and this is one of my faves. I need to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

  3. kimbacaffeinate: Oh definitely should!

    V: My pleasure!

    Carrie: ^_^

  4. I know of a blogger-friend whose favourite fairytale is 'Twelve Dancing Princesses.' She'd be thrilled to find out about this edition!

  5. Claudine, you were so right! Thanks for passing this along. I will definitely check out this book! I absolutely love the story of The Twelve Dancing Princesses. It is one of my very favorite fairy tales and it's about time it was thrust into the spotlight. Great review! ~ Jess

  6. Wow! How gorgeous! My Littlebug, who is currently obsessed with all things princess and dancing, would adore this book. Thank you so much for bringing this one to my attention, it's definitely on the to-buy list! :o)
