Friday, July 27, 2012

The Three Swingin' Pigs by Vicky Rubin

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place that wishes you sunny days and great reading every day of the week.

Yesterday, we roamed the emotional landscape of Young Adult literature with a moving work from author Jolene Perry (just click back or scroll down to check it out). Today, we're going back to the days of childhood to take a closer look at a tale you know in a whole new light...or rather spotlight. That's right! It's another redo with surprising results. Get your hipster hats and shades daddios because today's book of choice is...

Vicky Rubin
Illustrated by
Rhode Montijo

Yes its the three little pigs like you've never seen them before! Gone are the houses made of straw, sticks, and bricks and in its place we have the pigmobile (a car with ears and a snout to transport them to and fro), performance venues, and late night java runs. There's even a severe lack of actual huffing and puffing, though the wolf antagonist remains. Yesiree, these little guys, or rather boys and GIRLS (yep, two brothers and a sister!), have come a long way and while they don't indulge in the shinier side of life too much, they have learned that they love nothing more then a hyped up crowd and a good skat to play to (provided courtesy of Ella, their sister). So where's Mr. Big Bad you ask? Good question...

The story centers on his cross country trek to score him some delicious barbecue....though his efforts are about as successful as his original adventure. Instead of a three course porkapalooza, he ends up facing sold out concerts, over priced tickets for the last seat in the house, and souvenir vendors who just don't take no for an answer. By the time he's anywhere within range of his goal, his initial hunger is overwhelming. Poor piggies don't stand a chance....or do they? Satch, Mo, and Ella didn't get where they are today without a few smarts and unbeknownst to the wolf, the tables are about to be turned.

No, I won't be spoiling the ending for you but it'll definitely have you smiling, maybe even tapping your toes. This was a title I picked up at our local bookstore on one of my weekend shopping trips and it was the cover that got my attention. The bright, vibrant colors and whimsical expressions on the title characters were just too much to pass by. Inside the cover? The images don't lose any strength; in fact, they provide additional smiling points when closely investigated. From the pigmobile to pig balloons, barbecue dreams to strangely dressed predators, there's something to discover with every turn of the page. Story wise, I enjoyed the twist on the classic albeit I could have done without the actual skatting (not my cup of tea and reading those passages presents a unique challenge), though I can certainly see this being read aloud and causing quite the party.

In summary, another great addition to the "re-telling" category that'll entertain the young and the young at heart...not to mention expose a new generation to a different type of music. Who knows? You may have a future musician in your midst and if these three little pigs ( + one) can make it big...who's to say they won't be the next superstar!

Review copy purchased at my local bookstore and now calling my bookshelf, home. This book was published by Henry Holt and Company, Inc; for more information on it as well as their complete catalog, visit them online at

Until next time...scooby doo wah scooby do wah...happy reading!



  1. This sounds like SO much fun. What a fun twist.

  2. So fun! It's always surprising to me how creative some people are about classic re-tellings. This is just something I would have never even thought of, but it sounds great. Though I definitely agree that the skatting would be difficult to reproduce in a while reading aloud. LOL

    Great review! Definitely a book we'll be on the lookout for! :o)

  3. A nice twist to a vintage story.
    Some people are very clever.
    You have a lovely blog that I am pleased to follow.
