Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Do the Monster Mash...Literary Style!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the places that wishes you and yours a safe, happy, fun, and SPOOKY Halloween!  Whether you're heading out for tricks and tricks tonight, taking the kiddos or designated as the official candy-giver-outer (the same as moi....*passes spare sash of status*), enjoy yourself and spread the good cheer.

Quick reminder...we've got ONE LAST CONTEST (for now) running on the site with room for more entries! Don't miss your chance to score a copy of RETURN OF THE LIBRARY DRAGON by sharing your reading experiences, library memories and what not...and if you read the post really close, you'll see a chance to win an even BIGGER prize pack from Peachtree Publishers!  Just click on the right hand sidebar under Current Contests for more details.  Now, back to today's post....

We've already teased up my current read, but with today being Halloween, I couldn't let the day pass without something monstrous, something surprising, mash-uppy only literary style.  *raises eyebrows...twice*  It's a 2-for-1 book review post with some alternative reading fun for the holiday.  Alternative how?  Well, it includes monsters but only just and they are definitely family friendly but they also have a unique aspect that will leave "trick or readers" clamoring for your bookshelves or bookstores after tonight.  How so?  You'll se.  Let's get to the stars of the show, shall we?  Today's featured series is The Creature from My Closet by Obert Skye.  Book one...

Twelve-year-old underachiever Rob has better things to do than read. His parents give him lots of books but most of them just end up in the messy pile of junk he keeps locked in his closet that once doubled as a makeshift science laboratory. One day, Rob hears weird sounds coming from behind his closet door and discovers a funny little creature that seems to be a cross between two characters from books he’s tried to ignore. He names him Wonkenstein.
Keeping track of “Wonk” is hard work. But with help from friends and a little off-the-wall magic, Rob and Wonkenstein’s crazy adventures set the stage for great laughs . . . and Rob might even read some good books along the way.

Basically we start out with Rob and his messy room...I mean, closet.  You see, once upon a time it was his "lab".  You know how that kid at school always use to mix their leftover food together to see what would become of it (or perhaps you were the one doing the mixing)?  Yeah, take that and add in a dash more enthusiasm and you have Rob's former lab now turned dump for all things he doesn't have or make time for...including reading. _faints_  ...   *revives*

That's right.  Rob isn't a big reader but little does he know...he's about to become one, or else be saddled with strange creatures that he can't make heads or tails out of for life.  His choice.  Guess which one he chooses? ^_^ on to book two....

The latest creature to emerge from Rob’s closet is a cross between Chewbacca from Star Wars and Harry Potter. Rob names him “Potterwookiee” (“Hairy” for short) and soon Rob finds himself treading water as he tries to figure out how to care for his mixed-up friend. Great laughs and great books help Rob along the way.

Again, a mixed up tale that's one part Star Wars and two parts Harry Potter resulting in an adventure that's out of this world...okay, not really, but he does have some fun times with his friends and with a little help from Hairy discovers that the bigger the bully, the harder they fall...and even the littlest of guys (aka his kid brother) has their day (never underestimate the might of the tike!).

Both adventures offer readers young and old a chance to experience some of their favorite reads of days gone by (but not THAT long ago) while introducing a new audience to those same worlds...both classic reads and more current pop culture choices.  Trust me, when Rob breaks out the books to help understand his little creations, it's a memorable moment for all and one that will impact the young readers in your life.  Turning a non-reader into a reader or even a sometimes-reader is a task and a half, but the easiest way to do that is find a connection between them and what they are reading.  Whether it be an interest in magic (Harry Potter!), movies (Star Wars anyone?), sweet treats (Willy Wonka!), or scary monsters (Frankenstein!), there's bound to be a common thread found amongst this crazy fun assortment....not to mention the next installment Pinnocula! Who knows?  When they finish these crazy fun filled titles, they may even want to check out the books mentioned within....and from there, the sky's the limit!

Overall, a fabulous series thus far and one I'd highly recommended to readers of all ages.  The delivery of the story through text and illustrations takes it a step above storybooks in depth but still leaves room for those not ready for the jump to picture-less reads (think Diary of a Wimpy Kid or MacKenzie Blue!).  These books are available now with the second installment having been released just last month so be on the lookout for them on a bookstore or library shelf near you!

Review copy and ARC received courtesy of Ksenia at Macmillan Children's Publishing Group.  (THANKS!)  For more information on these titles, click through the links scattered throughout the post.  To discover more about the publisher and their full catalog of wonders, visit them online, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  To enter the world of author Obert Skye on another level, check out his official site (seriously do...the man eats, breathes and sleeps funny!), like his Facebook page or follow his Twitter feed.

Until next time...HAPPY HALLOWEEN...and happy reading!


  1. Hope you had a great Halloween!

    Love the idea of a creature coming to life out of books, then having adventures! Sort of makes up for Rob not having time to read... *faints*

    Sounds like a fun series! Thanks for the heads up!

  2. This sounds like a fantastic series, especially for boys who like graphic novels over a full length wordy book. I love the mix of Star Wars and Frankenstein stuff too, they sound hilarious. Love these reviews! :o)
