Tuesday, October 30, 2012

WAT!: Pursuing the Times by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

 Hi guys!
Welcome back to another day another post here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

We started the day with a spooky tale (a good fit considering Halloween is tomorrow) and now we're bringing things back to another "horror-ific" word for some readers....CHICK LIT.  AAaaaaah!  Just kidding.  I love the genre despite the less than friendly welcome it receives at times and today's title is perfectly fit to show the world that you can't keep a good writer down which leads me to proclaim....


The WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'. It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect. Have you run into this problem as well? Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!

Now on to today's feature...


From the Amazon......
All that popular Chick-Lit author Mercury Lauren wants is to have one of her books reviewed by the New York Times Book Review - just one - and she'll do almost anything to get it. In this contemporary romantic comedy, with a nod toward Pride and Prejudice she crosses swords and hearts with the Editor-in-Chief of the NYTBR in a madcap adventure that takes her from her home in Westport to a yoga retreat to a golf course in Florida. Will she get what she wants and will she finally be happy if she does? Only one thing's for certain: nothing will stop her from Pursuing the Times.

Read the full excerpt here...


First off, love the title actually functioning within the story; too often to we see a case of mismatch where they go together like oil and water.  Second...hello?  Did you read the synopsis?  Did you click to read the excerpt?  Trust me, I did and it deals with the book world as we know it, authorial talent waiting to be discovered, the hard climb to the top, and the lengths it apparently takes to get an invite to the National Book Awards ceremony.  Umm, yeah....Mercury?  Good thing you were talking to her over the phone because you might have had some face to save, or dirt to wipe off your nose.  (LOL.)  I must say, Mercury's characters is easy to know...and see yourself in just a smidge (~whistles~).  

It takes a fast paced and satirical look at the world of Chick-lit, the writers that inhabit it, and the potential not-so-friendly distance between them and their authorial counterparts.  Some look down on the genre, automatically saying "nay" to a title as soon as they hear that "tell-tale" genre (like Frank)...but you know what?  THEY ARE MISSING OUT...as I can only presume the potential readers/reviewers of Mercury's work are in the book; including the New York Times Book Review (take that Frank!).  Crossing my fingers she gets a chance to live out her story...or at least dreams a new dream.


Final thoughts...what a tease!

With the excerpt as fun filled and snarky as it is, one can only guess what's in store as we read further...but my money's on a fun time indeed with many cases of "foot-in-mouth" disease, eraser logo or not.  (Inside joke...read the excerpt, you'll see.) I'll be checking this one out further next year (darn...I have to wait to find out what the deal is with the RICE acronym!) but if you're looking for your next read of the moment, feel free to check this title out on Amazon as it's available for download now.

Special thanks to author Lauren Baratz-Logsted for the heads up on this release as well as the upcoming read.  (THANKS!)  For more information about this title or her full body of works, be sure to check out her website, like her on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.

So...questions? Comments? Thoughts?
Is there something YOU'VE been teased with as of late?
Feel free to share any and all...
*grabs wish list and pen*

Until next time...happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a neat story! I read Baratz-Logsted's Beauty and the Beast story but nothing since then..
