Saturday, December 22, 2012

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Julia Dweck & Kite Readers support the Sandy Hook School Fund

This is a public service announcement...
(in my eyes at least) light of the recent events that have had the world's eyes locked on Newtown, CT, the SANDY HOOK SCHOOL FUND was created with United Way to provide support services to the families that have been affected.

Donations can be mailed to:

Sandy Hook School Support Fund
c/o Newtown Savings Bank
39 Main Street
Newtown CT 06470
...or submitted online here.


In this spirit of giving, children's author Julia Dweck has joined forces with Kite Readers for a SPECIAL ONE DAY ONLY EVENT!

TODAY ONLY ANY of Ms. Dweck's titles on Amazon (the list of which can be seen by clicking HERE) and her portion of the profits will be donated directly to the SANDY HOOK SCHOOL FUND.  Inspired by her efforts, several of the illustrators she's worked with are following suit...and every little bit helps.

So, friends, readers, those whom I know and those who are only just discovering my site for the first time, sift through her collection of works and make a purchase that will not only further your reading enjoyment but touch the lives of those affected by this most recent tragedy.

Until next time...SPREAD THE WORD...and happy reading.